How Christopher Nolan Writes and Directs a Movie | The Director's Chair | Summary and Q&A

May 27, 2019
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How Christopher Nolan Writes and Directs a Movie | The Director's Chair


Christopher Nolan discusses his approach to filmmaking, including the use of narrative structure, cross-cutting, subjective storytelling, and practical effects.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Christopher Nolan approaches filmmaking with a mathematical and geometrical perspective, using diagrams and careful planning.
  • 😮 He employs intercutting and a continuous rise in intensity to engage the audience.
  • 🫵 Nolan aligns the audience's point of view with the characters and uses inserts to create narrative connections through objects.
  • 🏛️ The Shepard tone, a musical concept, is incorporated to build tension and intensity in his films.
  • 🎥 Nolan avoids zoom lenses and physically moves the camera to capture the desired perspective.
  • 🎥 He prefers using practical effects and real locations to enhance the authenticity and believability of his films.
  • 📽️ Learning from every project and playing to one's strengths are crucial in the film industry.


[Music from Christopher Nolan Movies] One of the things I love about directing is the multi-faceted nature of the challenge. The idea of a narrative that's a maze or labyrinth. Rather than being above that maze, and watching the characters make mistakes and wrong turns, you would enter into the maze, kind of looking over their shoulder, and make th... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does Christopher Nolan approach narrative structure in his films?

Nolan approaches narrative structure by creating mazes or labyrinths that the audience enters with the characters, making the experience feel real and engaging. He uses careful planning and intercuts scenes to build intensity.

Q: What is the Shepard tone and how does Nolan incorporate it in his films?

The Shepard tone is a concept from music that creates an illusion of continuously rising notes. Nolan applies this concept in his films by emphasizing different storylines simultaneously, resulting in a constantly building intensity.

Q: How does Nolan ensure the audience's point of view aligns with the characters?

Nolan avoids using zoom lenses and physically moves the camera closer or further away to capture the desired perspective. This technique allows him to place the audience in the character's headspace, creating a more immersive experience.

Q: Why does Nolan prefer using practical effects and real locations?

Nolan believes that using practical effects and real locations helps the audience suspend their disbelief and relate the story to everyday life. He tries to shoot as much as possible in-camera to maintain the magic of filmmaking.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Christopher Nolan approaches filmmaking with a mathematical and geometrical point of view, using diagrams and careful planning.

  • He often intercuts scenes and creates a continuous rise in intensity, narratively.

  • Nolan aligns the audience closely with the point of view of a character and uses inserts to make narrative connections through objects.

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