Home Stretch | Summary and Q&A

October 16, 2020
The Bulwark
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Home Stretch


The 2020 election is different from 2016 due to various factors such as increased voter turnout, Trump's loss of support among key demographics, and a different political landscape.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ The 2020 election is different from 2016 due to increased voter turnout and a more unified opposition to Trump.
  • 👩‍🦳 Trump's loss of support among key demographics, particularly women and non-college-educated white voters, has impacted his chances of winning reelection.
  • 💋 The first presidential debate, marked by Trump's combative behavior, turned off many voters and reinforced their decision not to support him.
  • 💨 The focus on issues such as healthcare, COVID-19, and racial divisions has shifted voters' attention away from minor controversies like the Hunter Biden laptop story.
  • 🫥 Voter suppression remains a significant concern, and efforts should be made to improve voting access and reduce long lines.


welcome to beg to differ the bulwark's weekly roundtable discussion featuring civil conversation across the political spectrum from center left to center right i'm mona charon of the ethics and public policy center and i'm joined by one of our regulars bill galston of the brookings institution in the wall street journal linda chavez and damon linke... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Could population growth help maintain American greatness in the face of competition with China?

Population growth can bring advantages such as increased market size, specialization, and innovation, which can contribute to American greatness in the global context.

Q: What are the policy recommendations in "One Billion Americans" to support families with children?

The book suggests implementing policies to reduce marriage penalties, make child support programs more generous, and provide quality and accessible childcare, while also supporting stay-at-home parents.

Q: How can immigration policy be reformed to support population growth?

The book proposes adopting a points-based system similar to Canada or Australia to select immigrants based on job skills, age, and language abilities, while maintaining a healthy balance and ensuring cultural compatibility.

Q: How can the cost of childcare, specifically daycare, be addressed to support families?

The book emphasizes the need to provide financial support to parents and create a fiscal neutrality in subsidizing both center-based care and stay-at-home parenting. It also suggests addressing regulatory burdens that contribute to high childcare costs.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The confirmation hearings for Amy Coney Barrett and the alleged deep state plot against Trump were unavailing for the Republicans and Democrats, respectively.

  • Maddie Iglesias, author of "One Billion Americans," discusses the idea of population growth and its potential impact on American greatness in the face of competition with China.

  • The discussion also focuses on the importance of size, population density, and specialization in driving innovation and economic growth.

  • The book addresses policies surrounding family support, immigration, and education to achieve population growth in a strategic way.

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