His Holiness Pope Francis | Why the only future worth building includes everyone | TED Talks | Summary and Q&A

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His Holiness Pope Francis | Why the only future worth building includes everyone | TED Talks


In this TED Talk, His Holiness Pope Francis discusses the importance of solidarity, compassion, and tenderness in building a better future for humanity.

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Key Insights

  • 🌍 Life is about connections and interactions with others - our existence is deeply tied to that of others, and we can only build the future by standing together.
  • 🔬 Scientific and technological innovation should come with more equality and social inclusion, with solidarity becoming the default attitude in all aspects of life.
  • 💔 The "culture of waste" that prioritizes products over people needs to be overcome through true solidarity, which is a free response born from the heart of each individual.
  • ❤️ Love requires a creative and ingenious attitude; good intentions and conventional formulas are not enough. Let us remember that the other is a real person to be taken care of.
  • 🤝 We are all called to be Good Samaritans and take care of others, to see the needs of those around us and respond with compassion and concrete actions.
  • 🕯️ Hope is the virtue of a heart that stays open to the future, that doesn't dwell on the past or ignore the present's challenges. Even a tiny flicker of hope can shatter the shield of darkness.
  • 💞 Tenderness is the revolution we need - it is the language of love that comes close and becomes real, the path of solidarity and humility, and a strength, not a weakness.
  • 💪 The future is in the hands of those who recognize the other as a "you" and themselves as part of an "us." We all need each other, and together we can fulfill our tasks for the good of all.


Translator: Elena Montrasio Reviewer: TED Translators admin [His Holiness Pope Francis Filmed in Vatican City First shown at TED2017] Good evening – or, good morning, I am not sure what time it is there. Regardless of the hour, I am thrilled to be participating in your conference. I very much like its title – "The Future You" – because, while looki... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What is the main theme of the video?

The main theme of the video is the importance of interconnectedness and solidarity in shaping the future.

Q: How does the presenter emphasize the significance of relationships and interactions?

The presenter states that life is not simply about time passing by, but rather about interactions and connections with others. He highlights the importance of meeting and listening to people who are suffering in order to understand the shared humanity and the question of "Why them and not me?"

Q: What does the presenter believe is necessary for a happy future?

The presenter believes that a happy future can be achieved through scientific and technological innovation combined with equality and social inclusion. He emphasizes the need for solidarity to be extended beyond social work to become the default attitude in political, economic, and scientific choices, as well as in relationships among individuals, peoples, and countries.

Q: How does the presenter define tenderness?

The presenter defines tenderness as the love that comes close and becomes real. It is a movement that starts from the heart and extends to the eyes, ears, and hands. Tenderness involves using these senses to see, hear, and care for others, especially those in need. It is the language of young children and is a path of choice for strong and courageous individuals.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker emphasizes the importance of connections and relationships in shaping the future.

  • The speaker encourages solidarity and inclusivity, calling for a shift towards prioritizing people over material goods.

  • The speaker advocates for tenderness as a revolutionary act of love and humility, emphasizing the power of recognizing and caring for others.

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