Halohydrin Formation - Addition of Halogens to Alkenes - Br2 & H2O | Summary and Q&A

December 23, 2016
The Organic Chemistry Tutor
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Halohydrin Formation - Addition of Halogens to Alkenes - Br2 & H2O


Cyclohexene can undergo halogenation reactions with bromine in different solvents, resulting in different products, including halohydrins and ethers.

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Key Insights

  • 🥺 Halogenation of cyclohexene with bromine in different solvents can lead to the formation of various products, including halohydrins and ethers.
  • 🪜 Anti-addition is a common feature in these reactions, where the halogen adds to one side of the double bond in the front and the other adds to the back.
  • 💦 The choice of solvent and the presence of additional nucleophiles, such as water or methanol, can influence the reaction mechanism and product formation.
  • 🥺 In the halohydrin formation, water acts as a nucleophile and attacks the more substituted carbon, leading to anti-addition of bromine.


let's say if we have cyclohexene now what's going to happen if we react it with let's say bromine in an inner solvent such as dichloromethane and in another situation let's react it with bromine and water so what are the products of these reactions now for the one and above we simply have the halogenation reaction with an alkene and this is going t... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: What are the products formed when cyclohexene reacts with bromine in dichloromethane?

The reaction results in the formation of two products - anti-addition of bromine atoms and formation of a bromonium ion. The bromine atoms are positioned in front and back of the cyclohexene, and the bromonium ion contains a cyclic structure.

Q: How does the reaction between cyclohexene and bromine in water differ from the reaction in dichloromethane?

In the presence of water, bromine still undergoes anti-addition with cyclohexene to form a halohydrin. However, an additional step involving the removal of hydrogen by another water molecule occurs, resulting in the final product.

Q: Why does water act as a nucleophile and attack the secondary carbon in the halohydrin formation?

Water acts as a nucleophile preferentially on the secondary carbon because secondary carbocations are more stable than primary carbocations. The more stable carbocation results in a more favorable transition state during the nucleophilic attack.

Q: What are the major products and the mechanism when bromine is reacted with methanol in the presence of cyclohexene?

The major product formed is an ether. Methanol acts as a nucleophile and adds to the more substituted secondary carbon, while bromine adds to the primary carbon. The mechanism involves the formation of a cyclic brominium ion and the removal of a hydrogen atom by another methanol molecule.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • When cyclohexene reacts with bromine in dichloromethane, a halogenation reaction occurs, resulting in the formation of two products - anti-addition of bromine atoms and bromonium ion formation.

  • If cyclohexene reacts with bromine and water, a halohydrin is formed through anti-addition of bromine and water acting as a nucleophile. An additional step involving water molecule removal of hydrogen occurs.

  • In the presence of unsymmetrical alkenes, the nucleophile prefers to attack the more substituted carbon, leading to specific product formation.

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