Exercise Scientist Reveals Top 10 Exercises To Look Jacked | Summary and Q&A

February 6, 2024
Chris Williamson
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Exercise Scientist Reveals Top 10 Exercises To Look Jacked


The content discusses 10 essential exercises for building and maintaining muscle mass.

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Key Insights

  • 🖐️ Personal preference plays a significant role in selecting exercises for muscle growth.
  • 💪 Exercises should provide a balance between muscle stimulation and fatigue.
  • 💪 A deep stretch during exercises can enhance muscle hypertrophy.
  • 💪 Certain exercises target specific muscle groups more effectively.
  • 😑 Cambered bar bench press offers a unique challenge and range of motion.
  • 🙃 Overhand grip in pull-ups engages different back muscles compared to underhand grip.
  • 💪 Seated incline dumbbell curls provide tension and stretch for bicep growth.


if you only had 10 exercises for the rest of your life to hold on to and build as much muscle mass as possible what would they be I would say that I'd have to go muscle Group by muscle group to make sure I check off all the boxes I I I don't know if there's 10 muscle groups and some of these so the caveat is these are just my personal Spirit exerci... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Why does the speaker recommend high bar squats?

High bar squats target the quadriceps, adductors, and glutes effectively while causing less fatigue compared to other squat variations.

Q: What is the benefit of the overhand grip in pull-ups?

The overhand grip provides a personal preference for the speaker and allows them to engage different muscle groups in the back, creating a more well-rounded workout.

Q: Why does the speaker emphasize the importance of a deep stretch in exercises?

Research suggests that a deep stretch during exercises enhances muscle hypertrophy. Additionally, it can provide a greater challenge and increase overall muscle growth.

Q: Why does the speaker recommend cambered bar bench press?

The cambered bar bench press allows for a deeper range of motion, which is beneficial for muscle growth. It also provides a unique challenge and variation to regular bench presses.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The speaker lists high bar squats, overhead barbell press, skull crushers, pull-ups (overhand grip), and bent rows from a deficit as his top five exercises for muscle growth.

  • He also suggests including stiff-legged deadlifts, cambered bar bench press, dips, super ROM laterals, and seated incline dumbbell curls in the routine.

  • The content highlights the importance of choosing exercises that provide a balance between muscle stimulation and fatigue and mentions the personal preferences of the speaker.

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