Ep. 18: Attorney John Gomez - How to Create a Top Trial and Serious Injury Law Firm | Summary and Q&A

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Ep. 18: Attorney John Gomez - How to Create a Top Trial and Serious Injury Law Firm


John Gomez, the president and founder of Gomez trial attorneys, shares his journey of building a successful personal injury law firm and the importance of community involvement.

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Key Insights

  • 🍧 John Gomez emphasizes the importance of having a vision for the firm and being a visionary leader.
  • 🤕 Trial expertise and being able to lead by example are vital aspects of John's role as the head of the firm.
  • 🏑 Investing in personal growth, learning from mentors, and continuously improving are key to building a successful practice in the legal field.


welcome to the rankings podcast where we feature top founders entrepreneurs and elite personal injury attorneys and share their inspiring stories now let's get started with the show Chris Dreyer here president founder of ranking Co where we help elite personal injury attorneys dominate first page rankings you're listening to the rankings podcast wh... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How did John Gomez transition from working as a corporate lawyer to establishing his own personal injury law firm?

After working for a big defense firm and as a federal prosecutor, John realized his passion for winning trials and helping the little guy. He decided to become a plaintiff's lawyer and focus on personal injury cases.

Q: What were the early days of Gomez trial attorneys like?

The early days were characterized by a small office space, minimal cases, and waiting for the phone to ring. However, despite the slow start, John and his team had big dreams and were determined to succeed.

Q: What was a significant turning point for Gomez trial attorneys?

One of the turning points was a high-profile wrongful death case that gained media attention. The firm won a verdict of $106 million, which brought in significant momentum and led to more success stories.

Q: What are some mistakes that John Gomez learned from on his journey?

John mentioned two significant mistakes he made - bringing in senior people without a good relationship or loyalty and not firing quickly enough when someone wasn't a good fit. He now focuses on hiring loyal individuals and prefers to promote from within.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • John Gomez started his career as a corporate lawyer but wanted to focus on trial cases and help the little guy, which led him to establish Gomez trial attorneys.

  • In the early days, the firm had humble beginnings with a small office space and limited cases, but they had big dreams.

  • One of the turning points for the firm was a high-profile wrongful death case that gained media attention and brought in significant momentum.

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