Did The Past Really Happen? | Summary and Q&A

February 6, 2015
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Did The Past Really Happen?


Exploring the concept of Last Thursdayism and its unfalsifiability, Michael contemplates how future archaeologists will interpret our society and emphasizes the importance of leaving a lasting legacy.

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Key Insights

  • 😚 The dog that played Toto in The Wizard of Oz, Terry, had a cenotaph erected in her honor despite her remains being lost.
  • 🍂 Last Thursdayism falls outside the realm of science and into philosophy due to its unfalsifiability.
  • 🏆 Newton's Flaming Laser Sword suggests that if something cannot be tested through experiments, it is not worthy of debate.
  • 🍝 The past and our contributions to it may be misinterpreted or forgotten, but the increase in entropy, a measure of energy spread, is our irreversible legacy.
  • 💗 The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that energy will inevitably spread out, contributing to the universe's growing entropy.
  • ❓ The ultimate fate of the universe may be thermodynamic equilibrium, also known as the "Heat Death," estimated to occur in about 8 googol years.


Hey, Vsauce. Michael here. The dog that played Toto in The Wizard of Oz was credited as Toto, but in reality the dog's name was Terry. And when Terry died in 1945 her owner and trainer Carl Spitz buried her on his ranch in Los Angeles. But in 1958 the Ventura Highway was constructed right through Terry's grave. Her remains were disturbed and have n... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How is Last Thursdayism different from other beliefs and theories?

Last Thursdayism cannot be proven wrong because any evidence against it can be explained as part of the universe created last Thursday, making it unfalsifiable. Unlike scientific theories, it falls into the realm of philosophy.

Q: How do philosophical razors like Occam's Razor and Newton's Flaming Laser Sword help explain unlikely explanations?

Occam's Razor suggests that when faced with multiple explanations, choose the one with the fewest assumptions. Newton's Flaming Laser Sword states that if something cannot be settled by experiment, it is not worthy of debate. These guidelines help eliminate improbable explanations like Last Thursdayism.

Q: How do we know what happened in the past if we can't experiment on it?

The past cannot be experimented on like gravity or light. Future archaeologists will have to make educated guesses about our society based on the limited records and information they find.

Q: Why is apathy a potential obstacle to preserving history?

Apathy can lead to the obscurity of historical facts over time. Ira Glass's question about naming 10 people from the 15th century highlights how even with records, many historical figures are not known or remembered by the general population.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The dog that played Toto in The Wizard of Oz was named Terry, but her remains were disturbed and lost during construction, leaving only a cenotaph in her honor.

  • Michael reflects on how future archaeologists will interpret our society and wonders if anything about individuals will be remembered.

  • Last Thursdayism, the belief that the universe was created last Thursday, is discussed and categorized as a philosophical concept.

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