Could gratitude make your life better? | Summary and Q&A

November 19, 2021
Harvard University
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Could gratitude make your life better?


Gratitude improves mental and physical health, promotes acts of kindness, and enhances overall well-being.

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Key Insights

  • ❓ Gratitude is an individual experience that can be cultivated through deliberate practices.
  • 🥹 People who experience gratitude more often or more powerfully tend to have improved physical and mental health outcomes.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Gratitude promotes acts of kindness, empathy, and overall well-being.
  • 😘 It has been associated with lower rates of chronic diseases, reduced pain, and better cardiovascular health.
  • ❓ Gratitude increases positive emotional well-being and reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • 🥹 Consistent gratitude practices, such as keeping a journal or recalling positive events, are particularly beneficial for health.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Gratitude not only benefits individual health but also contributes to societal health through better social relationships and cohesion.


(upbeat music) - Gratitude is really the experience of feeling grateful. And what you feel grateful about is individual to each of us. You may feel grateful for an event. You may feel grateful about another person. You may feel grateful about being alive. - It's been called the social emotion because it's based on the recognition that others contri... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does gratitude contribute to improved physical health?

Gratitude has been associated with lower rates of chronic diseases, reduced pain, and fewer complications from cardiovascular disease. A study of heart attack patients found that those who felt grateful were more likely to become physically active and take better care of their health.

Q: In what ways does gratitude affect mental health?

Gratitude increases positive emotional well-being, including feelings of happiness, life satisfaction, and optimism. It also reduces symptoms of depression and anxiety, promoting overall mental well-being.

Q: Can gratitude be cultivated for those who don't naturally experience it?

Yes, gratitude can be cultivated through practices such as making a gratitude list, writing gratitude letters to others, keeping a gratitude journal, and consistently recalling positive life events. These deliberate and repetitive approaches to gratitude can be beneficial for one's health.

Q: How does gratitude impact societal health?

Higher levels of gratitude in a population contribute to better social relationships, social cohesion, and social capital in a community. This ultimately benefits societal health and well-being.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Gratitude is a personal experience of feeling grateful, whether for events, other people, or being alive.

  • It is considered a social emotion as it recognizes the contribution of others to our well-being, leading to acts of kindness and empathy.

  • Studies show that gratitude has positive effects on physical and mental health, including lower risk of chronic diseases, reduced pain, improved emotional well-being, and decreased symptoms of depression and anxiety.

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