Chief Economists Briefing | Summary and Q&A

May 3, 2023
World Economic Forum
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Chief Economists Briefing


The panel discusses the current economic uncertainty, potential recession, and the role of government in managing crises.

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Key Insights

  • 😘 The possibility of a recession in 2023 is uncertain, but there are concerns about the impact on lower-income groups and the need for government intervention.
  • 🧑‍🏭 Cash buffers and fiscal stimulus are factors influencing the economic outlook, with variations between households and firms and different regions.
  • ☠️ The role of central banks in managing inflation and interest rates is crucial, but there are differing opinions on their strategies and the potential risks.


foreign [Laughter] [Laughter] thank you foreign foreign foreign good afternoon everybody and thanks for showing up with such a good audience here uh late at the growth Summit 2023. I'm John devtaris I'm a professor of business for NYU Abu Dhabi I'm an energy fellow for the world economic forum and served at the Emerging Markets editor for CNN for 2... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: Will there be a recession in 2023?

It is uncertain, but the panel believes that there may be a significant economic downturn for lower income groups, while the middle class may provide some resilience.

Q: Has the government's role in economic rescue set up a trap for the consumer?

There is debate about the government's role in the economy, with some arguing that relying on the government to rescue the economy may lead to complacency, while others believe it is necessary during crises.

Q: How are inflation and tightening monetary policy impacting the global economy?

Inflation and tightening monetary policy are causing concerns, with a focus on the impact on households and firms, particularly in terms of credit card reliance and lending standards.

Q: What is the outlook for the labor market and its impact on the economy?

The labor market is experiencing mixed trends, with overall strength but disparities in different sectors and regions. Issues such as skills mismatch and the impact of AI and automation are important factors to consider.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The panel discusses the possible recession in 2023 and the role of government in managing economic crises, with a focus on the banking sector.

  • There is uncertainty about the future due to the current disruptions in various regions, such as the Gulf States, Europe, the United States, and Southeast Asia.

  • Cash buffers of households and firms are analyzed, with the finding that households generally have better cash buffers than firms, and the US is in better shape than Europe.

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