Amazon Flat Files: Everything You Need To Know with Vanessa Hung | Summary and Q&A

October 26, 2022
My Amazon Guy
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Amazon Flat Files: Everything You Need To Know with Vanessa Hung


This episode discusses troubleshooting tips and best practices for using flat files and templates on Amazon, including solving problems with UPC codes, image uploading, contribution rights, and more.

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Key Insights

  • 💨 Submitting a flat file or template is an effective way to solve various issues on Amazon, but it is not a solution for contribution errors.
  • 💱 Troubleshooting solutions may include uploading correct images, changing UPC codes, preventing hijackers, and resolving FBA and FBM listing changes.
  • 💀 To maintain contribution rights, always refer to the original SKU and ensure changes are made through that SKU.
  • 👨‍💻 Exemptions for UPC codes may still work, but it is recommended to obtain GS1 UPC codes to prevent future issues.
  • 🌱 Plan and create PPC campaigns even when inventory is in transit to ensure a successful launch and take advantage of the PPC honeymoon period.
  • 👻 The launch date field in templates can be modified to make a product go live before inventory arrives, allowing for early PPC campaigns.


hello and welcome to an episode with my Amazon  guy today I'm joined by Vanessa Hong and she   is such a lovely lady she won the prosper  hackathon by the way and and so uh today   we're going to be talking about uh template  files and flat files this is a topic that every   Advanced seller has to become familiar with so  Vanessa thank you for comi... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How can I solve problems with incorrect image uploads on Amazon?

To fix incorrect images, upload the correct image through a flat file and provide the manufacturer's website as evidence to Amazon through a case.

Q: How do I know which SKU has contribution rights for a multi-SKU ASIN?

Always refer to the original SKU for contribution rights. If the original SKU is deleted, try to locate it through past reports or shipments to include the correct information.

Q: Why do my listings change to FBM after updating FBA listings?

Listings can change to FBM if crucial information is missing, such as Fulfillment Center ID, battery details, or dangerous goods information. Fill in all relevant fields to maintain FBA status.

Q: How can I add UPCs to ASINs without them on Amazon?

Request a process called GS1 UPC Updates through a case using your GS1 certificate matching the company name under which the account is registered. This process may take several days to complete.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Vanessa Hong, an Amazon specialist, joins the podcast to discuss common issues and solutions related to using flat files and templates on Amazon.

  • Troubleshooting problems with UPC codes is possible by providing proof of affiliation and requesting a change through Seller Support.

  • Issues with incorrect images can be resolved by uploading the correct image through a flat file and providing the manufacturer's website as evidence.

  • Maintaining contribution rights can be achieved by referring to the original SKU and ensuring all changes are made through that.

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