A Better 1 Cup V60 Technique | Summary and Q&A

November 22, 2022
James Hoffmann
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A Better 1 Cup V60 Technique


This video demonstrates a simplified and effective V60 brewing technique for making a great tasting one-cup coffee.

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Key Insights

  • 🔥 The new V60 technique is designed to address the difficulties of achieving great results with smaller amounts of coffee. It promises a fun and easy brewing process with delicious results.
  • 💧 Soft, filtered, clean tasting water is essential for the technique, boiled to 100 degrees Celsius and used fresh from the boil.
  • ☕️ The recommended grind size for lighter roasted coffees is finer than most people expect, as it allows for better extraction.
  • 🏺 The plastic one cup V60 is recommended due to its thermal retention properties and ease of preheating. ⏰ The technique involves blooming the coffee for 45 seconds with up to 50 grams of water before pouring in distinct 50-gram blocks at one-minute intervals.
  • 🌪 Agitating the coffee bed with a circular pour from a relatively low spout is found to be the most effective technique, compared to a center pour or pouring from a higher distance.
  • 🌡️ Brew temperatures for darker roasts should be adjusted to between 80-85 degrees Celsius, while boiling point is recommended for lighter roasts.
  • 💡 Preheating the Brewer and using freshly boiled water are important steps, as they significantly impact taste, despite not measurably affecting extraction levels. Good water, grind quality, and coffee quality are also crucial factors for a successful brew.


today we're going to talk about a better one cup V60 technique now a few years ago actually I released a video on the V60 technique that I did a load of testing on and I was really happy with the results but I did get one consistent piece of criticism it was a difficult technique to get great results from with a smaller amount of coffee and I think... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How does the updated V60 technique address the difficulty of brewing with smaller amounts of coffee?

The updated technique makes it easier to achieve good results by using a smaller ratio of coffee to water, allowing for more control and precision in the brewing process. By breaking the pours into blocks and pulsing the water, the coffee grounds are evenly saturated, leading to a better extraction.

Q: What is the recommended grind size for this technique?

The recommended grind size is finer than what most people expect for a V60. This is especially important for lighter roasted coffees. The finer grind helps extract the flavors more fully. For darker roasts, a coarser grind can be used, but for this technique, a finer grind for the specific coffee used in the video is recommended.

Q: Why is the plastic V60 recommended over ceramic or glass?

The plastic one-cup V60 is recommended because it is the most affordable option and requires less preheating. The ceramic and glass versions require more preheating to maintain consistent brewing temperatures. The plastic V60 provides better thermal retention and a more stable brewing environment.

Q: Does preheating the Brewer and using boiling water significantly impact the taste of the coffee?

Yes, preheating the Brewer with very hot water and using freshly boiled water directly from the kettle is crucial for the best-tasting results, especially with lighter roasted coffees. The video explains that even without measurable differences in extraction, not preheating and using slightly cooler water in the bloom stage leads to a less sweet and more acidic cup. Preheating ensures a more consistent and enjoyable flavor profile.

Q: Are there variations of this technique for different coffee roast levels?

Yes, the video mentions that for darker roasts, a lower brewing temperature between 80-85 degrees Celsius is recommended. For medium roasts, a temperature range of 90-95 degrees Celsius is suggested. Lighter roasts benefit from using freshly boiled water straight off the boil (100 degrees Celsius).

Q: Can this brewing technique be adjusted for larger or smaller servings?

Yes, the technique can be adjusted depending on the desired serving size. The video demonstrates the technique for a one-cup serving (15 grams of coffee to 250 grams of water). For larger servings, the same principles apply, but the quantities may need to be adjusted accordingly.

Q: What are the key advantages of the pulsing technique used in this V60 brewing method?

The pulsing technique, where water is poured in regular intervals, allows for even distribution and agitation of the coffee grounds, resulting in a sweeter and fuller-flavored cup. The circular pour helps distribute the water across the coffee bed. The pulsing method also helps prevent channeling and uneven extraction.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video presents an updated V60 brewing technique that addresses the difficulty of getting good results with smaller amounts of coffee.

  • The technique involves using 15 grams of coffee beans and 250 grams of water.

  • Key steps include bloom, pouring in blocks, pulsing with circular pours, and adjusting grind size based on taste.

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