14 Shocking Lessons About Human Nature - Gurwinder Bhogal | Modern Wisdom Podcast 602 | Summary and Q&A

March 16, 2023
Chris Williamson
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14 Shocking Lessons About Human Nature - Gurwinder Bhogal | Modern Wisdom Podcast 602


The use of words like sexist and racist in liberal media outlets, like the New York Times, has increased over 400% since 2012, highlighting the shift from objective journalism to tribal confirmation bias.

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Key Insights

  • 📰 Use of words like "sexist" and "racist" in the media has increased over 400% since 2012, highlighting the media's shift towards sensationalism and tribalism.
  • 💬 The chilling effect of suppressing free speech leads to insincerity and the formation of absurd situations, as people conform to social norms rather than expressing their true opinions.
  • 🧠 Epistemic humility is more important than intelligence, as seeking to be less wrong instead of trying to be right fosters self-awareness and reduces resistance to learning.
  • 📏 Never multiply by zero: avoiding situations that can permanently remove you from the game is crucial for success, just as one small mistake can undo all your hard work.
  • 😬 Cunningham's Law states that posting the wrong answer on the internet is more effective in garnering attention and getting the correct answer than simply asking a question.
  • 🔍 Wittgenstein's Ruler suggests that the more you know about the measurer compared to the thing being measured, the less accurate the measurement becomes, emphasizing the importance of understanding biases and agendas in information sources.
  • 🧪 Schultz's Razor argues that many actions attributed to group conspiracies can be better explained by individual cancellation anxiety, causing people to conform to ideologies rather than act maliciously.
  • 💔 Noble cause corruption highlights that most people who commit evil acts do so thinking they are doing good, leading to immoral treatment justified by a sense of moral superiority.
  • 🗞️ Post-journalism refers to the media's shift from unbiased reporting to tribalism, as they cater to specific audiences and confirm pre-existing beliefs instead of informing readers objectively.


a team of researchers analyzed 27 million news articles published between 1970 and 2019 and what they found was that use of words like sexist and racist in the New York Times and in The Wider liberal media increased over 400 percent since 2012. obviously sexism and racism have not actually increased 400 since 2012. it's only the media's use of thes... Read More

Questions & Answers

Q: How has the rise of social media impacted the shift from objective journalism to tribalism in media?

The rise of social media has democratized information, leading to increased competition among media outlets. To stand out and retain audiences, outlets are more inclined to cater to specific ideologies and confirm pre-existing beliefs.

Q: Why do people tend to seek news that confirms their pre-existing beliefs rather than objective journalism?

Confirmation bias plays a significant role in the consumption of news. People seek information that aligns with their beliefs to reinforce their worldview and maintain a sense of identity within their chosen tribe.

Q: What are the consequences of the rise of tribalism in media?

The rise of tribalism in media leads to polarization, as outlets cater to specific political or ideological leanings. This results in the spread of misinformation, an erosion of trust in media, and a lack of objective reporting.

Q: How does the media's focus on sensationalism impact public discourse?

Sensationalism in media can distort public discourse by amplifying extreme views and driving people further into their ideological bubbles. This can lead to division, lack of nuance, and an inability to engage in productive discussions.

Q: How does the media's shift to tribal confirmation bias affect the public's perception of reality?

The media's focus on confirming pre-existing beliefs can lead to distorted perceptions of reality as individuals are shielded from divergent viewpoints. This can reinforce biases and create echo chambers where differing opinions are dismissed or ignored.

Q: Is there a way to mitigate the negative effects of tribalism in media?

Promoting media literacy and critical thinking skills is crucial in combating the echo chamber effect. Encouraging individuals to seek diverse sources of information and engage with differing viewpoints can help foster a more informed and inclusive public discourse.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Use of words like sexist and racist in liberal media has increased over 400% since 2012.

  • Media outlets have shifted from objective journalism to catering to tribal confirmation bias.

  • The media's focus on sensationalism and catering to pre-existing beliefs has led to a rise in polarization and misinformation.

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