Summaries of Nathaniel Drew Videos 📚

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We need to do better. thumbnail
We need to do better.
Nathaniel Drew
I Tracked Every Minute of my Life For 7 Days... This is What Happened thumbnail
I Tracked Every Minute of my Life For 7 Days... This is What Happened
Nathaniel Drew
The Key To A More Interesting Life thumbnail
The Key To A More Interesting Life
Nathaniel Drew
A Video For Perfectionists thumbnail
A Video For Perfectionists
Nathaniel Drew
I’ve struggled to make friends my whole life. But something is changing. thumbnail
I’ve struggled to make friends my whole life. But something is changing.
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried the Dalai Lama's (strict) Daily Routine – ep. 6 thumbnail
I Tried the Dalai Lama's (strict) Daily Routine – ep. 6
Nathaniel Drew
Alan Watts – How to Make it Through Tough Times thumbnail
Alan Watts – How to Make it Through Tough Times
Nathaniel Drew
The Reason You're Lacking Confidence (And How to Find It) thumbnail
The Reason You're Lacking Confidence (And How to Find It)
Nathaniel Drew
Why The Internet Will Discourage You (And How to Beat It) thumbnail
Why The Internet Will Discourage You (And How to Beat It)
Nathaniel Drew
How to Create the Life You Want (And Find Your North Star) thumbnail
How to Create the Life You Want (And Find Your North Star)
Nathaniel Drew
I'm taking a break from YouTube. thumbnail
I'm taking a break from YouTube.
Nathaniel Drew
How to Get Unstuck In Life (and start building momentum) thumbnail
How to Get Unstuck In Life (and start building momentum)
Nathaniel Drew
The Man In The Arena (Short Film) thumbnail
The Man In The Arena (Short Film)
Nathaniel Drew
Brazil vs. Portugal: Can I Understand How They Speak? thumbnail
Brazil vs. Portugal: Can I Understand How They Speak?
Nathaniel Drew
Capturing 1,000 Human Moments in 1 Week thumbnail
Capturing 1,000 Human Moments in 1 Week
Nathaniel Drew
What It's Like to Go Viral (165,000 New Subscribers in 1 Month) thumbnail
What It's Like to Go Viral (165,000 New Subscribers in 1 Month)
Nathaniel Drew
We met on the internet ❤️ thumbnail
We met on the internet ❤️
Nathaniel Drew
A Day In The Life: An American in Mexico thumbnail
A Day In The Life: An American in Mexico
Nathaniel Drew
The Fastest Way to Learn a New Language: The Solar System Theory thumbnail
The Fastest Way to Learn a New Language: The Solar System Theory
Nathaniel Drew
I Commissioned a Massive Mural in Mexico City thumbnail
I Commissioned a Massive Mural in Mexico City
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Da Vinci's (insane) Daily Routine: Here's What Happened – ep. 2 thumbnail
I Tried Da Vinci's (insane) Daily Routine: Here's What Happened – ep. 2
Nathaniel Drew
A Simple Way to Organize Your Life thumbnail
A Simple Way to Organize Your Life
Nathaniel Drew
Why Do The British Look Down on Americans? thumbnail
Why Do The British Look Down on Americans?
Nathaniel Drew
30 Days of Cold Showers: Not What I Was Expecting thumbnail
30 Days of Cold Showers: Not What I Was Expecting
Nathaniel Drew
Simplify Your Inbox: Digital Minimalism 01 thumbnail
Simplify Your Inbox: Digital Minimalism 01
Nathaniel Drew
Is Paris Overrated? (my thoughts after living here for 2 years) thumbnail
Is Paris Overrated? (my thoughts after living here for 2 years)
Nathaniel Drew
How to Prevent the Internet From Taking Over Your Life: Digital Minimalism 06 thumbnail
How to Prevent the Internet From Taking Over Your Life: Digital Minimalism 06
Nathaniel Drew
I Went Vegan for 30 Days: Here's What Happened to Me thumbnail
I Went Vegan for 30 Days: Here's What Happened to Me
Nathaniel Drew
Why Traveling to Europe in Summer is a Nightmare thumbnail
Why Traveling to Europe in Summer is a Nightmare
Nathaniel Drew
I finally found my purpose in life. (ft. @betterideas) thumbnail
I finally found my purpose in life. (ft. @betterideas)
Nathaniel Drew
3 Operating Systems for Life - Going Essentialist, Part II thumbnail
3 Operating Systems for Life - Going Essentialist, Part II
Nathaniel Drew
Simple Steps to Getting in Great Shape This Year thumbnail
Simple Steps to Getting in Great Shape This Year
Nathaniel Drew
I'm searching for happiness thumbnail
I'm searching for happiness
Nathaniel Drew
Here's How Matt D'Avella is Beating YouTube's Algorithms thumbnail
Here's How Matt D'Avella is Beating YouTube's Algorithms
Nathaniel Drew
I Visited the Loneliest City in America | Non-Fungible Planet from YouTube thumbnail
I Visited the Loneliest City in America | Non-Fungible Planet from YouTube
Nathaniel Drew
A Piece of Advice I'm Glad I Got (Even Though It's Super Frustrating) thumbnail
A Piece of Advice I'm Glad I Got (Even Though It's Super Frustrating)
Nathaniel Drew
I Learned Portuguese in 7 Days – Part 1 (My Method) thumbnail
I Learned Portuguese in 7 Days – Part 1 (My Method)
Nathaniel Drew
Is Life Better in the USA or Europe? (An Honest Review) thumbnail
Is Life Better in the USA or Europe? (An Honest Review)
Nathaniel Drew
My Experience Eating in the Best Restaurant in the World thumbnail
My Experience Eating in the Best Restaurant in the World
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Ramadan For 7 Days (no food or water) thumbnail
I Tried Ramadan For 7 Days (no food or water)
Nathaniel Drew
How I got a Portuguese passport. thumbnail
How I got a Portuguese passport.
Nathaniel Drew
For People Feeling Behind In Life thumbnail
For People Feeling Behind In Life
Nathaniel Drew
The Ancient Stoic Idea That Changed My Life. thumbnail
The Ancient Stoic Idea That Changed My Life.
Nathaniel Drew
I Learned Italian in 7 Days - Part I thumbnail
I Learned Italian in 7 Days - Part I
Nathaniel Drew
How Self Help Brainwashed Me thumbnail
How Self Help Brainwashed Me
Nathaniel Drew
Never Lose Your Files Again: Digital Minimalism 02 thumbnail
Never Lose Your Files Again: Digital Minimalism 02
Nathaniel Drew
How I learned to love being alone. thumbnail
How I learned to love being alone.
Nathaniel Drew
3 Things I Do When I Start Feeling Anxious thumbnail
3 Things I Do When I Start Feeling Anxious
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Maya Angelou's (fantastic) Daily Routine: Here's What it Taught Me – ep. 4 thumbnail
I Tried Maya Angelou's (fantastic) Daily Routine: Here's What it Taught Me – ep. 4
Nathaniel Drew
I Ate For $1 A Day (Full Week) thumbnail
I Ate For $1 A Day (Full Week)
Nathaniel Drew
How to Avoid A Life You Regret (a conversation with Thomas Brag from @YesTheory) thumbnail
How to Avoid A Life You Regret (a conversation with Thomas Brag from @YesTheory)
Nathaniel Drew
My Journey Learning *and becoming* Italian (6 Months) thumbnail
My Journey Learning *and becoming* Italian (6 Months)
Nathaniel Drew
Society's Definition of "Success" is a Lie - 500k Q&A thumbnail
Society's Definition of "Success" is a Lie - 500k Q&A
Nathaniel Drew
My complicated relationship with women. thumbnail
My complicated relationship with women.
Nathaniel Drew
What To Do When You're Running Late thumbnail
What To Do When You're Running Late
Nathaniel Drew
For anyone feeling like a failure. thumbnail
For anyone feeling like a failure.
Nathaniel Drew
How To Deal With Your Emotions - A Conversation With My Mom thumbnail
How To Deal With Your Emotions - A Conversation With My Mom
Nathaniel Drew
Dopamine Detox: How to Reset Your Mind thumbnail
Dopamine Detox: How to Reset Your Mind
Nathaniel Drew
I'm starting to feel lonely. thumbnail
I'm starting to feel lonely.
Nathaniel Drew
NOT Going to College was the BEST Decision of My Life thumbnail
NOT Going to College was the BEST Decision of My Life
Nathaniel Drew
This was one of the scariest days of my life thumbnail
This was one of the scariest days of my life
Nathaniel Drew
How I Organize My Thoughts: A Simple Guide thumbnail
How I Organize My Thoughts: A Simple Guide
Nathaniel Drew
The English Language is So Confusing. thumbnail
The English Language is So Confusing.
Nathaniel Drew
Here's How to Reinvent Yourself – Part I thumbnail
Here's How to Reinvent Yourself – Part I
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Frida Kahlo's Daily Routine – ep. 7 thumbnail
I Tried Frida Kahlo's Daily Routine – ep. 7
Nathaniel Drew
some things are coming to an end. thumbnail
some things are coming to an end.
Nathaniel Drew
Asking Strangers to Eat at the World's Best Restaurant thumbnail
Asking Strangers to Eat at the World's Best Restaurant
Nathaniel Drew
The Moment of Truth: Testing My Ability (Learning Portuguese part 2) thumbnail
The Moment of Truth: Testing My Ability (Learning Portuguese part 2)
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Picasso's (incredible) Daily Routine: What I Learned – ep. 3 thumbnail
I Tried Picasso's (incredible) Daily Routine: What I Learned – ep. 3
Nathaniel Drew
Why You Never Have Enough Time thumbnail
Why You Never Have Enough Time
Nathaniel Drew
Moving to Paris – Travel Nostalgia thumbnail
Moving to Paris – Travel Nostalgia
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Van Gogh's Intense Daily Routine – ep. 8 thumbnail
I Tried Van Gogh's Intense Daily Routine – ep. 8
Nathaniel Drew
3 Simple Ideas That Are Changing My Life thumbnail
3 Simple Ideas That Are Changing My Life
Nathaniel Drew
Tour of My Art Studio Apartment in Paris thumbnail
Tour of My Art Studio Apartment in Paris
Nathaniel Drew
Simple Steps to Eating Better with @PickUpLimes thumbnail
Simple Steps to Eating Better with @PickUpLimes
Nathaniel Drew
A Video to My Future Self (Age 25) thumbnail
A Video to My Future Self (Age 25)
Nathaniel Drew
How I Learn Things Online (Way More Efficiently) thumbnail
How I Learn Things Online (Way More Efficiently)
Nathaniel Drew
1 Year of Meditation: What I've Learned thumbnail
1 Year of Meditation: What I've Learned
Nathaniel Drew
My complicated relationship with men. thumbnail
My complicated relationship with men.
Nathaniel Drew
THE REAL NATHAN | Nathaniel Drew thumbnail
THE REAL NATHAN | Nathaniel Drew
Nathaniel Drew
I'm struggling to stay disciplined this year. thumbnail
I'm struggling to stay disciplined this year.
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Ben Franklin's Daily Schedule For a Week: Here's What Happened – ep. 1 thumbnail
I Tried Ben Franklin's Daily Schedule For a Week: Here's What Happened – ep. 1
Nathaniel Drew
The Hardest Year of My Life (and what it taught me) thumbnail
The Hardest Year of My Life (and what it taught me)
Nathaniel Drew
How Learning Languages Changed My View of the World thumbnail
How Learning Languages Changed My View of the World
Nathaniel Drew
I'm going bald. (so I shaved my head) thumbnail
I'm going bald. (so I shaved my head)
Nathaniel Drew
The biggest mistake of my 20s. thumbnail
The biggest mistake of my 20s.
Nathaniel Drew
What I Learned From the French Part 3 - Imperfection thumbnail
What I Learned From the French Part 3 - Imperfection
Nathaniel Drew
There is a Better Way to Travel The World (My Secret) thumbnail
There is a Better Way to Travel The World (My Secret)
Nathaniel Drew
I went on an adventure, alone. thumbnail
I went on an adventure, alone.
Nathaniel Drew
How to Deal With Boredom (especially right now!) thumbnail
How to Deal With Boredom (especially right now!)
Nathaniel Drew
I Flew in a WWII American Plane thumbnail
I Flew in a WWII American Plane
Nathaniel Drew
The Best Way to Reset: The Bill Gates Method thumbnail
The Best Way to Reset: The Bill Gates Method
Nathaniel Drew
I've struggled with happiness. So I went to the happiest part of the world. Ft. @PickUpLimes thumbnail
I've struggled with happiness. So I went to the happiest part of the world. Ft. @PickUpLimes
Nathaniel Drew
How I Rediscovered Books (In the Digital Age) thumbnail
How I Rediscovered Books (In the Digital Age)
Nathaniel Drew
The pandemic separated us. We finally reconnected. thumbnail
The pandemic separated us. We finally reconnected.
Nathaniel Drew
A Simple Way to Fight for the Environment thumbnail
A Simple Way to Fight for the Environment
Nathaniel Drew
Here's why I stopped watching the news thumbnail
Here's why I stopped watching the news
Nathaniel Drew
I went way too far this time. thumbnail
I went way too far this time.
Nathaniel Drew
Why I decided to stop having sex. thumbnail
Why I decided to stop having sex.
Nathaniel Drew
What I Learned Living With a Narcissist thumbnail
What I Learned Living With a Narcissist
Nathaniel Drew
The Miraculous Improbability Of Your Entire Existence thumbnail
The Miraculous Improbability Of Your Entire Existence
Nathaniel Drew
Giving My Parents the Surprise of a Lifetime thumbnail
Giving My Parents the Surprise of a Lifetime
Nathaniel Drew
How To Remove Toxic People From Your Life: What I've Learned thumbnail
How To Remove Toxic People From Your Life: What I've Learned
Nathaniel Drew
It feels like the world is falling apart. thumbnail
It feels like the world is falling apart.
Nathaniel Drew
Not Going to College: What I Wish I Knew thumbnail
Not Going to College: What I Wish I Knew
Nathaniel Drew
How I Became Fluent in French (A Love Story) thumbnail
How I Became Fluent in French (A Love Story)
Nathaniel Drew
30 Days No Alcohol: Facing Social Pressure thumbnail
30 Days No Alcohol: Facing Social Pressure
Nathaniel Drew
How to find meaning in the 21st century thumbnail
How to find meaning in the 21st century
Nathaniel Drew
🇲🇽 Why I'm Moving to Mexico thumbnail
🇲🇽 Why I'm Moving to Mexico
Nathaniel Drew
Billionaires, American Identity, & Is Paris Overrated? – A Conversation with Damon Dominique thumbnail
Billionaires, American Identity, & Is Paris Overrated? – A Conversation with Damon Dominique
Nathaniel Drew
Life in Paris: The Things I HATE (watch before you come here) thumbnail
Life in Paris: The Things I HATE (watch before you come here)
Nathaniel Drew
Speaking 6+ Languages With My Polyglot Grandma (Part II) thumbnail
Speaking 6+ Languages With My Polyglot Grandma (Part II)
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Einstein's (genius) Daily Routine: Here's What Happened – ep. 5 thumbnail
I Tried Einstein's (genius) Daily Routine: Here's What Happened – ep. 5
Nathaniel Drew
What I Do When Anxiety Hits thumbnail
What I Do When Anxiety Hits
Nathaniel Drew
What people get wrong about creativity. thumbnail
What people get wrong about creativity.
Nathaniel Drew
Why Relationships Are So Hard thumbnail
Why Relationships Are So Hard
Nathaniel Drew
Meditating 1 Hour a Day is Changing my Life thumbnail
Meditating 1 Hour a Day is Changing my Life
Nathaniel Drew
How I BULLET JOURNAL for more Focus and Productivity thumbnail
How I BULLET JOURNAL for more Focus and Productivity
Nathaniel Drew
For People Feeling Lost in Life thumbnail
For People Feeling Lost in Life
Nathaniel Drew
How to Improve Your Experience on Social Media: Digital Minimalism 05 thumbnail
How to Improve Your Experience on Social Media: Digital Minimalism 05
Nathaniel Drew
I'm leaving Paris. thumbnail
I'm leaving Paris.
Nathaniel Drew
This Might Be Why You're Unhappy thumbnail
This Might Be Why You're Unhappy
Nathaniel Drew
How to Make Money $ on the Internet: A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad thumbnail
How to Make Money $ on the Internet: A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad
Nathaniel Drew
The real reason you aren't happier. thumbnail
The real reason you aren't happier.
Nathaniel Drew
I Bought My Dream Apartment in Paris (Ep. 1) thumbnail
I Bought My Dream Apartment in Paris (Ep. 1)
Nathaniel Drew
Why You're Not Thinking Clearly thumbnail
Why You're Not Thinking Clearly
Nathaniel Drew
Watch this when I die. thumbnail
Watch this when I die.
Nathaniel Drew
How to Reinvent Yourself – Part II thumbnail
How to Reinvent Yourself – Part II
Nathaniel Drew
How to Tell Better Stories: What I've Learned thumbnail
How to Tell Better Stories: What I've Learned
Nathaniel Drew
Trapped in Paris (alone) thumbnail
Trapped in Paris (alone)
Nathaniel Drew
Why I Will Never Come Back to the United States thumbnail
Why I Will Never Come Back to the United States
Nathaniel Drew
How I bought an apartment in Paris at age 24 (the price + my income – Ep. 03) thumbnail
How I bought an apartment in Paris at age 24 (the price + my income – Ep. 03)
Nathaniel Drew
How to Reinvent Yourself in 2022 (for people feeling worn out) thumbnail
How to Reinvent Yourself in 2022 (for people feeling worn out)
Nathaniel Drew
My Minimalist Apartment Tour in Paris (Ep. 2) thumbnail
My Minimalist Apartment Tour in Paris (Ep. 2)
Nathaniel Drew
How to Make Better Decisions in Life - Going Essentialist, Part I thumbnail
How to Make Better Decisions in Life - Going Essentialist, Part I
Nathaniel Drew
What Getting 1 Million Subscribers Has Taught Me thumbnail
What Getting 1 Million Subscribers Has Taught Me
Nathaniel Drew
An Honest Day in My Life in Paris thumbnail
An Honest Day in My Life in Paris
Nathaniel Drew
Break Your Phone Addiction: Digital Minimalism 04 thumbnail
Break Your Phone Addiction: Digital Minimalism 04
Nathaniel Drew
What People Don't Understand About Introverts thumbnail
What People Don't Understand About Introverts
Nathaniel Drew
Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much? thumbnail
Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much?
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried Psychedelics For the 1st Time & It Changed My Life thumbnail
I Tried Psychedelics For the 1st Time & It Changed My Life
Nathaniel Drew
I Went 24 Hours Without Touching Plastic. thumbnail
I Went 24 Hours Without Touching Plastic.
Nathaniel Drew
Full Makeover of My Apartment in Paris (Ep. 04) thumbnail
Full Makeover of My Apartment in Paris (Ep. 04)
Nathaniel Drew
A Few Words on God thumbnail
A Few Words on God
Nathaniel Drew
The Most Underrated Country I've Ever Been To thumbnail
The Most Underrated Country I've Ever Been To
Nathaniel Drew
The Secret to Thriving in Hard Times thumbnail
The Secret to Thriving in Hard Times
Nathaniel Drew
The Most Surreal Country I've Ever Been To. thumbnail
The Most Surreal Country I've Ever Been To.
Nathaniel Drew
I used to run from my fears (and then I did this.) ft. @YesTheory thumbnail
I used to run from my fears (and then I did this.) ft. @YesTheory
Nathaniel Drew
Speaking 5+ Languages with my Polyglot Grandma (Part I) thumbnail
Speaking 5+ Languages with my Polyglot Grandma (Part I)
Nathaniel Drew
The Question I Can't Stop Asking Myself thumbnail
The Question I Can't Stop Asking Myself
Nathaniel Drew
I Learned Italian in 7 Days - Part II thumbnail
I Learned Italian in 7 Days - Part II
Nathaniel Drew
How to Break Out of Negative Cycles - Going Essentialist, Part III thumbnail
How to Break Out of Negative Cycles - Going Essentialist, Part III
Nathaniel Drew
My Parents Sold Their House & Left the USA Forever (in their 50s) thumbnail
My Parents Sold Their House & Left the USA Forever (in their 50s)
Nathaniel Drew
I Tried to Go 24 Hours Without Ads... This is What Happened thumbnail
I Tried to Go 24 Hours Without Ads... This is What Happened
Nathaniel Drew
Why your life is slipping by so quickly thumbnail
Why your life is slipping by so quickly
Nathaniel Drew
I was wrong, success doesn’t bring happiness. thumbnail
I was wrong, success doesn’t bring happiness.
Nathaniel Drew
What To Do When Things Fall Apart thumbnail
What To Do When Things Fall Apart
Nathaniel Drew
7 Simple Concepts That Make My Life Better thumbnail
7 Simple Concepts That Make My Life Better
Nathaniel Drew

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