Summaries of Curious Scientist Videos 📚
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Recent updates for the miniature tensile testing machine
Curious Scientist
Advanced menu system with rotary encoder for Arduino/STM32
Curious Scientist
TCD1304 linear CCD - Part 3 - Assembling my custom PCB
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 3 - TEC12706
Curious Scientist
MCP4725 12 bit DAC and SZBK07 DC-DC converter
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 6] - A few improvements
Curious Scientist
Lattice parameter from molar mass and density - FCC structure and basics
Curious Scientist
LM317-based high-current adjustable power supply
Curious Scientist
TCD1304-based spectrometer - Part 1
Curious Scientist
Vertical conversion of my focus stacking rig
Curious Scientist
Developing Serial Terminal for Arduino in C#
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 1] - Introduction
Curious Scientist
Circuit assembling and first attempt to stream it live
Curious Scientist
FCC Schmid factor from Euler angles using the orientation matrix
Curious Scientist
N20 miniature DC geared motor with AS5600 encoder and PID
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 1- Introduction
Curious Scientist
Electron Microscopy - Lecture 8 - Optical Aberrations
Curious Scientist
Building a 20x20 cm desktop Peltier cooler cloud chamber - Part 1
Curious Scientist
4 channel temperature logger based on the DS18B20 sensors
Curious Scientist
Electron Microscopy - Lecture 2 - Main structure of a SEM
Curious Scientist
Direct control of a stepper motor using a rotary encoder and the accelstepper library
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #3 - Cooling the hot side - Part 1
Curious Scientist
Updates for the stepper motor control panel
Curious Scientist
DWIN Display Tutorials #0 - Setting up and configuring the display
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 4 - TEC12708
Curious Scientist
TCD1304 Linear CCD - Part 2 - Driving the CCD
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #1 - Water pump analogy
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 1 - Introduction
Curious Scientist
Tensile testing of different specimens
Curious Scientist
STM32F070F6P6 miniature development board with native USB
Curious Scientist
Measuring the output of strain gauges
Curious Scientist
Arduino menu navigation with rotary encoder and LCD
Curious Scientist
Strain gauge installation and demonstration
Curious Scientist
DWIN Display Tutorials #2 - Transmitting float and int numbers between the display and an Arduino
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 2 - TEC12703
Curious Scientist
Custom PCB for DROs using ATTiny85
Curious Scientist
Breaking a 3d-printed specimen with the third iteration
Curious Scientist
4 channel temperature logger with Arduino, SD card, LM335 and ADS1115
Curious Scientist
Third iteration of the tensile testing machine
Curious Scientist
Arduino with TB6600 using AccelStepper library
Curious Scientist
KPM12-J High-Resolution Resistance-Based Displacement Sensor
Curious Scientist
Electron Microscopy - Lecture 5 - Field Emission Gun
Curious Scientist
Prototype of the tensile testing machine
Curious Scientist
Microcontroller controlled digital thermostat for Peltier coolers
Curious Scientist
Arduino power meter based on the ACS 712 and the ADS1115
Curious Scientist
DWIN Display Tutorials #1 - Transmitting text between the display and PC or Arduino
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #10 - Serial or parallel connection?
Curious Scientist
Precise focus stacking device for macro photography
Curious Scientist
Building a Peltier cooler-based cooling box - First iteration [Part 1/6]
Curious Scientist
Brief introduction of strain gauges - Part 1
Curious Scientist
Smooth stepper motor control with two Arduinos using the Accelstepper library
Curious Scientist
Building a strain gauge module for learning purposes
Curious Scientist
Building a digital control circuit for the SZBK07 DC-DC buck converter
Curious Scientist
Custom ATmega32u4 microcontroller board - 2024 version
Curious Scientist
Custom-made self-contained DC power meter
Curious Scientist
Peltier cooling with a 4xTEC12706 block and water cooling
Curious Scientist
Stepper motor PID control using a TMC2209 and AS5600
Curious Scientist
Desktop Peltier cooler-based cloud chamber
Curious Scientist
Lattice parameter from molar mass and density - SC structure
Curious Scientist
Stacking of Peltier units - Part 2
Curious Scientist
Debounced rotary encoder module
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 5 - TEC12710
Curious Scientist
Building a Peltier cooler-based cooling box - Second iteration, improvements [Part 5/6]
Curious Scientist
Peltier cooler-based air cooler
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 3] - Proof of concept
Curious Scientist
DWIN Display Tutorials #3 - Simple weather station project
Curious Scientist
Radical 2000x Metallurgical Microscope - Assembly and test
Curious Scientist
Building a full-frame digital camera from scratch - Part 2
Curious Scientist
MINIQ BG6300 milling table with stepper motors and magnetic position encoders
Curious Scientist
16-key keypad with an Arduino and a PCF8574 I/O expander module
Curious Scientist
Lattice parameter from molar mass and density - HCP structure
Curious Scientist
ADS1256-RP2040 DAQ module - Improved front panel GPIO connector
Curious Scientist
TCD1304-based spectrometer - Part 4
Curious Scientist
Building a cheap and simple solder fume extractor
Curious Scientist
Cooling a jug of water with a single TEC12715
Curious Scientist
Fine/Coarse potentiometer arrangement for the SZBK07 DC-DC converter
Curious Scientist
Ultra-precise milliOhm meter - Calibration and full assembly
Curious Scientist
Date and time based watering system using an Arduino and a RTC module
Curious Scientist
EASY stepper motor control with Arduino Uno and EasyDriver
Curious Scientist
Playing with circuit bending
Curious Scientist
Theory of Peltier cooling
Curious Scientist
4-20 mA signal measurement with Arduino
Curious Scientist
AS5600 magnetic position encoder - best encoder for stepper motors
Curious Scientist
NTC thermistor thermometer with STM32/Arduino
Curious Scientist
Two-way serial communication with Arduino
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #2 - Performance chart
Curious Scientist
Making my own reflow hot plate - Part 2 - Custom PCB and assembly
Curious Scientist
Stepper motor control panel for linear actuators
Curious Scientist
Lattice parameter from molar mass and density - BCC structure
Curious Scientist
Creep calculations - application of Norton's power law
Curious Scientist
Misorientation and orientation matrix
Curious Scientist
Measuring speed and position using the AS5600 magnetic encoder
Curious Scientist
Building and testing a new water cooling system for Peltier coolers
Curious Scientist
Atomic packing factor
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 - Improved code for faster acquisition
Curious Scientist
Precise focus stacking system - Custom designed rig and software updates
Curious Scientist
RP2040 + ADS1256 DAQ board
Curious Scientist
Peltier cooling in practice
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 4] - Updated feeder mechanism
Curious Scientist
Arduino with AccelStepper library and TB6600 stepper motor controller
Curious Scientist
Displacement measurement with a linear potmeter - part 2
Curious Scientist
2500 W Induction Melting Device
Curious Scientist
Reviewing the LINKMICRO LM249MS digital microscope
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #9 - Cooling the hot side - Part 4
Curious Scientist
DWIN Display Tutorials #4 - Dial indicators as input or output controls
Curious Scientist
DIY Variable Laboratory Power Supply
Curious Scientist
The science of finding the balance - An instrument that puts load cells to shame*
Curious Scientist
New microscope lenses: longer working distance!
Curious Scientist
Make your own custom office nameplate!
Curious Scientist
Reasons why you CANNOT use Peltier for air conditioning
Curious Scientist
Custom ADS1256 board - revised version
Curious Scientist
How I Automated My Metallurgical Microscope
Curious Scientist
Using a PCB as a weighing scale
Curious Scientist
Below -40°C with stacked Peltier thermoelectric coolers
Curious Scientist
“Debunking” Peltier-based air conditioning
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #8 - Cooling the hot side - Part 3
Curious Scientist
Schmid factor and resolved shear stress in BCC crystal
Curious Scientist
Updates for the AccelStepper library - TB6600 and Arduino
Curious Scientist
Miller indices in cubic systems
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 Official Arduino Library and Custom DAQ Board
Curious Scientist
High-performance 3-axis stepper motor controller
Curious Scientist
100 W Solder Fume Extractor Review
Curious Scientist
Correction for the wiring of the power meter for my DIY power supply
Curious Scientist
Recent updates for the tensile testing machine
Curious Scientist
Arduino-based air quality monitor - new version
Curious Scientist
TCD1304-based spectrometer - Part 3
Curious Scientist
Determination of strain-rate sensitivity parameter (m)
Curious Scientist
Testing a capacitive proximity sensor
Curious Scientist
MCP41100 digital potentiometer with Arduino/STM32
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 - Board comparison
Curious Scientist
Workshop tour 2022 - 10000 Subscriber video
Curious Scientist
Arduino and joysticks - Part 2 - 3-axis joystick
Curious Scientist
Stacking of Peltier units - Part 1
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 2 - TEC12703
Curious Scientist
300 mm DRO with Arduino (ATTiny85 and Nano)
Curious Scientist
DIY variable power supply from a laptop adapter
Curious Scientist
Recent updates for the tensile testing machine
Curious Scientist
CNC encoder wheel with stepper motors
Curious Scientist
[Short Answers #2] SZBK07 300 W DC-DC converter quiescent current
Curious Scientist
Stepper motor developing platform with TMC2209 and AS5600
Curious Scientist
Hall-Petch relation, worked example
Curious Scientist
Some additional ideas for the SZBK07 DC-DC converter
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 5 - TEC12710
Curious Scientist
BCC Schmid factor from Euler angles using the orientation matrix
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 6 - TEC12715
Curious Scientist
Making my own reflow hot plate - Part 3 - Demo and Coding
Curious Scientist
Refrigeration with 4x TEC12706 Peltier Block
Curious Scientist
Displacement sensor with a slide potmeter - Part 1
Curious Scientist
Dissecting the MINIQ BG6300 milling table
Curious Scientist
Comparing 5 different ADS1256 boards and discussing some issues
Curious Scientist
Probe Master 8043SK - A review
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 - Registers and demonstration
Curious Scientist
Praktica LTL disassembly - Another live stream attempt
Curious Scientist
Testing the Mustool MT8206 graphical multimeter
Curious Scientist
Stepper motor control with buttons and rotary encoder
Curious Scientist
10-channel voltage logger with display and SD card
Curious Scientist
Focus stacking system for macro photography - Assembly and tutorial
Curious Scientist
DWIN Displays - Review and tutorial
Curious Scientist
Stepper motor driven focusing on my metallurgical microscope
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 2] - Assembling the electronics
Curious Scientist
Custom DRO PCB, but for rotary encoders
Curious Scientist
Stacking of Peltier units - Part 3
Curious Scientist
DIY Miniature Tensile Testing Machine
Curious Scientist
STM32F103C with ST-Link and STM32duino, simplified!
Curious Scientist
Testing the "240 W" Peltier cooler refrigeration plate
Curious Scientist
Building a Peltier cooler-based cloud chamber - A simple construction from a scientist
Curious Scientist
Testing the KSGER T12 STM32 V3.1S soldering station
Curious Scientist
RP2040 + ADS1256 DAQ module with GPIOs
Curious Scientist
Testing and demonstrating the best ADS1256 board
Curious Scientist
10-channel thermistor-based temperature logger with display and SD card - improvements
Curious Scientist
Progress update of the DIY tensile testing machine
Curious Scientist
DSO150 15001K DIY Oscilloscope Assembly Walkthrough
Curious Scientist
Controlling the SZBK07 DC-DC converter
Curious Scientist
What is the pressure inside of a soda can?
Curious Scientist
Euler angles and the orientation matrix
Curious Scientist
Multiple stepper motors with joystick, TB6600 and the accelstepper library
Curious Scientist
Building an SZBK07-based thermostat for Peltier cooling
Curious Scientist
Testing two powerful Peltier coolers: TEC2-19006 and Heke Tech CL-C067
Curious Scientist
Linear motion with TB6600 and AccelStepper
Curious Scientist
TB6600 and Arduino - Wiring and demonstration
Curious Scientist
Why is the Peltier cooler-based air conditioning a BAD idea?
Curious Scientist
RF 433 Transmitter and Receiver with sensors and OLED displays
Curious Scientist
How NOT to fry your Arduino - Common Arduino mistakes #1
Curious Scientist
Tensile curves and their properties
Curious Scientist
[Short Answers #1] Output voltage of a strain gauge amplifier module
Curious Scientist
Improvements to my DC power meter
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 board test - Part 1
Curious Scientist
Schmid factor and resolved shear stress for FCC slip system
Curious Scientist
Making my own reflow hot plate - Part 1 - Prototype
Curious Scientist
Measuring the air quality with CCS811 and GP2Y1010AU0F
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #5 - A new arrangement of heatsinks
Curious Scientist
MAX31855 - A better thermocouple module
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #6 - Personal air conditioner
Curious Scientist
Control panel for stepper motors using the Accelstepper library
Curious Scientist
Arduino and joysticks - Part 1 - Introduction
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 - Reading a single conversion result using RDATA
Curious Scientist
Building a Peltier cooler-based cooling box - First iteration, improvements [Part 2/6]
Curious Scientist
Electron Microscopy - Lecture 6 - Comparison of electron sources
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 8] - Version I
Curious Scientist
Making my own custom voltage logger based on the ADS1256 - Prototype
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 3/1 - TEC12706
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 6 - TEC12715
Curious Scientist
TCD1304 - Part 1 - Introduction
Curious Scientist
TCD1304-based spectrometer - Part 2
Curious Scientist
Positioning with the N20 miniature geared DC motor
Curious Scientist
Digital read out (DRO) using an Arduino and a digital caliper
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #4 - Cooling the hot side - Part 2
Curious Scientist
ADS1256-RP2040 GPIO Front Panel - Finished!
Curious Scientist
Electron Microscopy - Lecture 1 - General introduction
Curious Scientist
Building a coil winder [Part 5] - Coding and math
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 3/2 - TEC12706
Curious Scientist
8-digit 7-segment display - printing floating point numbers
Curious Scientist
DC Motor PWM control with a potentiometer and L298N
Curious Scientist
Let's discuss about Peltier coolers #7 - "Enhanced" water cooler
Curious Scientist
DC motor position control using PID
Curious Scientist
Replacing the potmeters on the 300 W, 20 A DC-DC converter
Curious Scientist
A self-contained PCB-based weighing scale
Curious Scientist
10-channel thermistor-based temperature logger with display and SD card
Curious Scientist
Testing different Peltier coolers by cooling/freezing water - Part 4 - TEC12708
Curious Scientist
Homing with the AccelStepper library and a limit switch
Curious Scientist
RP2040 + ADS1256 DAQ board - PCB-based enclosure
Curious Scientist
Custom-made reflow hot plate - Final assembly
Curious Scientist
MAX6675 - K-type thermocouple module
Curious Scientist
JCS-900 DRO with Arduino and LCD
Curious Scientist
Ping Pong with the AccelStepper library and two limit switches - Polling and interrupts
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 - Reading and writing registers
Curious Scientist
Introduction of my cooling setup used in the Peltier experiments
Curious Scientist
Testing and comparing different Peltier coolers - Part 7 - Summary and final conclusions
Curious Scientist
Making a new cable for the TS100 soldering iron
Curious Scientist
Building a Peltier cooler-based cooling box - Second iteration [Part 3/6]
Curious Scientist
Overengineered "potentiometer" using the AS5600 magnetic encoder
Curious Scientist
ADS1256 - Fully working code and demonstration
Curious Scientist
Assembling the dual TEC12710 cooler [Part 4/6]
Curious Scientist