Summaries of Looking Glass Universe Videos 📚

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Schrodinger equation | Derivation and how to use it thumbnail
Schrodinger equation | Derivation and how to use it
Looking Glass Universe
The most beautiful idea in physics - Noether's Theorem thumbnail
The most beautiful idea in physics - Noether's Theorem
Looking Glass Universe
Coronavirus: why you should stay home thumbnail
Coronavirus: why you should stay home
Looking Glass Universe
Mission Complete thumbnail
Mission Complete
Looking Glass Universe
From being terrible at math to a quantum physicist - my journey thumbnail
From being terrible at math to a quantum physicist - my journey
Looking Glass Universe
The de Broglie Equation and Why There Is No Wave-Particle Duality thumbnail
The de Broglie Equation and Why There Is No Wave-Particle Duality
Looking Glass Universe
Is entanglement the key to quantum computing? thumbnail
Is entanglement the key to quantum computing?
Looking Glass Universe
I didn't believe that light slows down in water (part 1) thumbnail
I didn't believe that light slows down in water (part 1)
Looking Glass Universe
Vector addition and basis vectors | Linear algebra makes sense thumbnail
Vector addition and basis vectors | Linear algebra makes sense
Looking Glass Universe
Is Spin Angular Momentum afterall? ('What is Spin?' follow up) thumbnail
Is Spin Angular Momentum afterall? ('What is Spin?' follow up)
Looking Glass Universe
Bohmian Mechanics- An Alternative to Quantum thumbnail
Bohmian Mechanics- An Alternative to Quantum
Looking Glass Universe
🎄 Making an overly math-y (ugly) Christmas tree 🎄 thumbnail
🎄 Making an overly math-y (ugly) Christmas tree 🎄
Looking Glass Universe
Interference Homework Answers thumbnail
Interference Homework Answers
Looking Glass Universe
Is Quantum Mechanics True? Bell's theorem explained | Quantum ep 9 thumbnail
Is Quantum Mechanics True? Bell's theorem explained | Quantum ep 9
Looking Glass Universe
Proof of Bell's theorem thumbnail
Proof of Bell's theorem
Looking Glass Universe
A problem with Bohmian Mechanics? Contextuality thumbnail
A problem with Bohmian Mechanics? Contextuality
Looking Glass Universe
The meaning of the dot product | Linear algebra makes sense thumbnail
The meaning of the dot product | Linear algebra makes sense
Looking Glass Universe
If there are “Many Worlds" why don’t you experience it? thumbnail
If there are “Many Worlds" why don’t you experience it?
Looking Glass Universe
Why The Martingale Betting System Doesn't Work thumbnail
Why The Martingale Betting System Doesn't Work
Looking Glass Universe
Schrodinger equation comment response and homework answers video thumbnail
Schrodinger equation comment response and homework answers video
Looking Glass Universe
Comment response video for Understanding Quantum Mechanics thumbnail
Comment response video for Understanding Quantum Mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
The biggest problem in the Many Worlds theory of quantum mechanics thumbnail
The biggest problem in the Many Worlds theory of quantum mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
How is energy conserved in Many Worlds? thumbnail
How is energy conserved in Many Worlds?
Looking Glass Universe
Understanding Quantum Mechanics thumbnail
Understanding Quantum Mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
Do we have to accept Quantum weirdness? De Broglie Bohm Pilot Wave Theory explained thumbnail
Do we have to accept Quantum weirdness? De Broglie Bohm Pilot Wave Theory explained
Looking Glass Universe
Things we know about spin in quantum mechanics thumbnail
Things we know about spin in quantum mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
I don't know why light slows down in water. (part 2) thumbnail
I don't know why light slows down in water. (part 2)
Looking Glass Universe
Quantum Entanglement and the EPR Paradox thumbnail
Quantum Entanglement and the EPR Paradox
Looking Glass Universe
Matrices, matrix multiplication and linear transformations | Linear algebra makes sense thumbnail
Matrices, matrix multiplication and linear transformations | Linear algebra makes sense
Looking Glass Universe
"Many Worlds" is a simplification of quantum mechanics thumbnail
"Many Worlds" is a simplification of quantum mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
This calculation tells you your chances of being sick thumbnail
This calculation tells you your chances of being sick
Looking Glass Universe
Should you do a PhD? | PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge thumbnail
Should you do a PhD? | PhD in theoretical physics at the University of Cambridge
Looking Glass Universe
What Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle *Actually* Means thumbnail
What Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle *Actually* Means
Looking Glass Universe
How to learn Quantum Mechanics on your own (a self-study guide) thumbnail
How to learn Quantum Mechanics on your own (a self-study guide)
Looking Glass Universe
Why Can't You Use Quantum Mechanics To Communicate Faster Than Light? thumbnail
Why Can't You Use Quantum Mechanics To Communicate Faster Than Light?
Looking Glass Universe
"bad at math" is a myth thumbnail
"bad at math" is a myth
Looking Glass Universe
How to take a scientific approach to charity thumbnail
How to take a scientific approach to charity
Looking Glass Universe
Change of basis explained simply | Linear algebra makes sense thumbnail
Change of basis explained simply | Linear algebra makes sense
Looking Glass Universe
Quantum Randomness thumbnail
Quantum Randomness
Looking Glass Universe
Interference in quantum mechanics thumbnail
Interference in quantum mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
How real are the real numbers, really? thumbnail
How real are the real numbers, really?
Looking Glass Universe
What is Spin? | Quantum Mechanics thumbnail
What is Spin? | Quantum Mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
The Born Rule thumbnail
The Born Rule
Looking Glass Universe
A simple condition for when the matrix inverse exists | Linear algebra makes sense thumbnail
A simple condition for when the matrix inverse exists | Linear algebra makes sense
Looking Glass Universe
I did the double slit experiment at home thumbnail
I did the double slit experiment at home
Looking Glass Universe
Can you solve this gambling paradox? thumbnail
Can you solve this gambling paradox?
Looking Glass Universe
I made a (useless) quantum computer at home thumbnail
I made a (useless) quantum computer at home
Looking Glass Universe
What can my homemade quantum computer do? thumbnail
What can my homemade quantum computer do?
Looking Glass Universe
Your Secret Mission thumbnail
Your Secret Mission
Looking Glass Universe
Electrons aren’t actual waves thumbnail
Electrons aren’t actual waves
Looking Glass Universe
It's possible to prove the Born Rule of quantum mechanics thumbnail
It's possible to prove the Born Rule of quantum mechanics
Looking Glass Universe
The Schrodinger equation made simple | Linearity thumbnail
The Schrodinger equation made simple | Linearity
Looking Glass Universe

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