Where to Get Advice - Grant Rant #283 | Summary and Q&A

April 19, 2017
Grant Cardone
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Where to Get Advice - Grant Rant #283


Don't let others who gave up on their dreams discourage you from pursuing yours.

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Key Insights

  • 🍗 People who gave up on their dreams may try to discourage others from pursuing theirs.
  • 🆘 Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals can help you stay motivated.
  • 😫 Setting small goals and celebrating achievements along the way can maintain motivation.
  • ❓ Others' doubts should not define your path; the choice to pursue your dreams is yours alone.
  • ❓ Achieving your dreams may make those who gave up confront their own regret.
  • ❓ Success can inspire envy or regret in individuals who chose not to pursue their dreams.
  • ❓ Remember that doubters and critics are reflecting their own experiences and choices, not your potential for success.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How do people who gave up on their dreams try to discourage others?

People who gave up on their dreams often try to make sense of their own decision by questioning the necessity and feasibility of others' dreams. They may downplay the importance of success or emphasize the risks involved.

Q: How can someone stay motivated and not give up on their dreams?

It is crucial to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who support and motivate you. Additionally, setting small goals and celebrating each achievement along the way can help maintain motivation. Finally, adopting a positive mindset and reminding yourself of the reasons why you started can keep you on track.

Q: Can someone's doubt affect the pursuit of one's dreams?

Yes, the doubt and discouragement from others, especially those close to you, can be demotivating and make you question your abilities. However, it's important to remember that their doubts are a reflection of their own choices and should not dictate your path.

Q: How can achieving your dreams impact those who gave up on theirs?

When you prove your dreams are possible and succeed, it forces those who gave up to confront the regret they feel for not pursuing their own aspirations. They may feel envious or regretful, but it's essential to remember that their reactions are about their own experiences, not your success.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The video emphasizes the importance of not letting people who gave up on their dreams convince you to give up on yours.

  • When you achieve your dreams, those who gave up will have to confront their own regret.

  • It's important to stay determined and not be swayed by others' doubts.

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