why be guided by the Bible. | Summary and Q&A

February 11, 2024
kh talks
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why be guided by the Bible.


By allowing the Bible to guide us, we can experience the benefits of infallible conduct standards, practical advice for happiness, and the promise of everlasting life.

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Key Insights

  • 🤩 The laws of gravity and motion guide the stars and planets in their orbits, preventing cosmic collisions.
  • 🐦 Birds migrate instinctively, showcasing the guidance embedded in nature.
  • ❓ The Bible offers infallible guidance and principles for conduct, cleanliness, morality, and happiness.
  • 🥺 Rejecting Jehovah's guidance in areas such as cleanliness and morality leads to negative consequences.
  • 😀 Accepting Jehovah's guidance in these areas brings physical health, clean consciences, and happy families.
  • 🤵 The Bible provides practical advice for successful relationships and marriages, following Jesus' example.
  • 🥺 Success is not solely measured by financial wealth, and accepting Jehovah's guidance leads to true success.


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Questions & Answers

Q: What kind of guidance does the Bible offer for our lives?

The Bible offers guidance for conduct, cleanliness, and morality, providing standards and rules that are unsurpassable. It teaches us how to keep our bodies clean and avoid harmful habits like smoking. Following its guidance helps us maintain a clean conscience and avoid physical and mental health issues.

Q: How does following the Bible's guidance in morality impact our lives?

The Bible teaches us to abstain from sexual immorality and prioritize sexual relations within the context of marriage. By following this guidance, we can avoid broken homes, diseases, and the negative consequences of harmful sexual practices. It helps us maintain happy and stable families.

Q: How does the Bible serve as a practical guide for happiness?

The Bible provides practical advice for happy and successful lives. It offers insights on marriage and relationships based on Jesus' example of love and loyalty. It emphasizes the importance of commitment and working together in marriage. Additionally, it helps single individuals make wise choices and find genuine happiness.

Q: How does accepting Jehovah's guidance lead to success?

Success is not solely measured by financial wealth. Accepting Jehovah's guidance allows us to prioritize important aspects of life, such as relationships, health, and spiritual well-being. By following the Bible's principles, we can lead fulfilling lives and maintain a clean conscience.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The stars and planets in the sky faithfully follow their predetermined orbits, thanks to the laws of gravity and motion.

  • Birds migrate to warmer regions using their instinctive guidance, never having been to their destination before.

  • Similarly, humans have free will but can find direction and guidance in their lives through the principles found in the Bible.

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