Palace, Park and Square: St James's and the Birth of the West End - Simon Thurley CBE | Summary and Q&A

March 12, 2018
Gresham College
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Palace, Park and Square: St James's and the Birth of the West End - Simon Thurley CBE


This lecture discusses the development of London's West End, particularly focusing on St. James's Palace and its impact on the growth of the city as a whole.

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Key Insights

  • ❤️‍🩹 St. James's Palace served as a significant landmark in the development of London's West End, with its importance often overlooked in historical accounts.
  • 🖐️ The land acquisition and development plans of Henry VIII played a decisive role in shaping the area surrounding St. James's Palace.
  • 🙈 The Civil War temporarily disrupted the development of the West End, but the Restoration period saw the realization of an aristocratic quarter in the form of St. James's Square and surrounding areas.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why was St. James's Palace significant in the development of London?

St. James's Palace played a crucial role in establishing a royal presence in Westminster after the destruction of Westminster Palace. It also served as the starting point for the development of an aristocratic quarter surrounding the palace.

Q: How did the Civil War impact the development of the West End?

The Civil War prompted the fortification of London, leading to the construction of defensive lines around the city and its suburbs, including St. James's. The war also resulted in the temporary military use of St. James's Palace and Goring House, halting development in the area.

Q: What led to the eventual development of the West End, particularly St. James's Square?

After the Restoration, Henry Jermyn, Earl of St. Albans, received the Bailiwick of St. James's and began developing aristocratic residences. This attracted members of the high society to the area, including Lord Bellasis, the Earl of Arlington, and French Ambassador Monsieur Cotin. The development of St. James's Square and the surrounding areas further solidified the West End's status as an aristocratic quarter.

Q: How did the monarchs play a role in shaping the West End?

Monarchs, from Henry VIII to Charles II, were instrumental in acquiring and controlling the land surrounding Westminster to create a secure, hygienic, and dignified environment for their royal palaces. Their efforts to establish an aristocratic quarter around St. James's Palace contributed to the birth of London's West End.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • The presenter discusses the history of St. James's Palace, which was initially overlooked in terms of historical documentation and study.

  • The lecture explores the land acquisition and development plans of Henry VIII, who sought to create a new royal presence in Westminster and establish an aristocratic quarter surrounding St. James's Palace.

  • The speaker highlights the influence of Thomas Cromwell in acquiring and managing the vast land holdings in Westminster, as well as the subsequent role of monarchs in shaping the area and preserving its royal and aristocratic character.

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