Lead Detective ADMITS to THREATENING Witnesses in YNW Melly Trial | Criminal Lawyer Reacts | Summary and Q&A

July 18, 2023
CLR Bruce Rivers
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Lead Detective ADMITS to THREATENING Witnesses in YNW Melly Trial | Criminal Lawyer Reacts


Defense lawyer cross-examines a cop in the melee trial, revealing coercive tactics and bias towards witnesses.

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Key Insights

  • 😵 Cross-examination can be a powerful tool for defense lawyers to challenge witnesses and expose coercion.
  • 😣 Coercive tactics, such as threats of deportation or severe consequences, can undermine witness credibility.
  • 🥺 Establishing bias and coercion in the investigative process can lead to the exclusion of certain testimonies.


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Questions & Answers

Q: How does the defense lawyer use cross-examination to challenge the credibility of the cop?

The defense lawyer questions the cop about the threats made towards witnesses, such as federal indictment and deportation, aiming to establish bias and coercion in his conduct.

Q: Why is it important to establish coercion in witness testimony?

Establishing coercion can lead to excluding part of the witness's testimony as it would be considered involuntary. It undermines the credibility of the witness and raises doubts about the reliability of their statements.

Q: What tactics does the defense lawyer use to challenge the cop's memory of events?

The defense lawyer brings up prior statements or reports to refresh the cop's memory. He also asks if the cop would like him to show the statement "up his ass" to emphasize the evidence against him.

Q: How does the defense lawyer demonstrate the use of biased and coercive tactics by the cop?

The defense lawyer presents evidence of the cop's statements that threaten witnesses with deportation, lack of food and medicine, and even death in prison. These tactics aim to manipulate witnesses into giving desired information.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Defense lawyer uses cross-examination to expose threats and coercion used by the cop towards witnesses.

  • The cop is questioned about threatening a witness with federal indictment and deportation to Haiti.

  • The cross-examination aims to establish bias and coercion in the cop's conduct during the investigation.

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