Girlfiend Ke Itne Sarey Bodyguards...!! #aenakhan #khaqanshahnawaz - Dil Pe Dastak - HUMTV

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Girlfiend Ke Itne Sarey Bodyguards...!! #aenakhan #khaqanshahnawaz - Dil Pe Dastak - HUMTV
In the unlikeliest of places, amidst subtle tiffs, Saad and Sarah find love blooming. Despite their initial doubts, their hearts gravitate towards each other, weaving a bond stronger than any disagreement. As they navigate through the uncertainties of emotions, love find its way, deepening their connection with each passing moment.
Digitally Presented By Dawlance
Writer: Hassan Imam
Director: Ali Masud Saeed
Producer: Momina Duraid Productions
Khaqan Shahnawaz
Aena Khan
Behroze Sabzwari
Sakina Samoo
Farhan Ali Agha
Parishe Adnan
Arjumand Rahim