Donald Hartung Trial - Charge Conference | Summary and Q&A

A discussion regarding jury instructions and clarifying communication with the jury during a trial.
Key Insights
- 🫰 Evidence in the form of a thumb drive is being used in the trial.
- ❓ The inclusion of the excusable homicide option in the jury instruction is being discussed.
- 🪡 Certain instructions and definitions need clarification for the jury.
- 💱 Communication with the jury regarding the changes and instructions is essential.
- ❓ Attention to detail is required to avoid confusion or misunderstandings.
- ❓ The defense is actively participating in reviewing and addressing jury instructions.
- 🥳 Copies of the corrected instructions need to be provided to the relevant parties.
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Questions & Answers
Q: What is being done with the thumb drive evidence?
The thumb drive containing evidence is being substituted for defense purposes, which means it will be presented to the jurors during the trial.
Q: Is the excusable homicide option mandatory or optional?
The excusable homicide option is optional, but it can be included in the jury instruction if both the state and the defense agree to it.
Q: Can certain instructions be skipped or ignored by the jury?
Yes, certain instructions can be skipped or ignored if they are deemed unnecessary or confusing. However, it is important to clearly communicate this to the jurors.
Q: Are there any changes needed in the dangerous weapon definitions?
Yes, there are some changes needed in the dangerous weapon definitions, specifically regarding the application of excusable homicide. It should be clarified and updated accordingly.
Summary & Key Takeaways
During the trial, a thumb drive containing evidence is being substituted for defense.
The excusable homicide option is being discussed and whether it should be included in the jury instruction.
There is a need to clarify certain instructions and definitions for the jury.
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