The Significance of 15: Shaping your Future from Adolescence | Nutsa Kutelia | TEDxIBEuropeanSchool | Summary and Q&A

December 13, 2023
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The Significance of 15: Shaping your Future from Adolescence | Nutsa Kutelia | TEDxIBEuropeanSchool


Being 15 is a milestone age where individuals start to understand global issues and events that shape the world, facing both technological advances and conflicts.

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Key Insights

  • 🤕 The age of 15 marks a significant transition from adolescence to adulthood, where individuals become aware of global issues and events.
  • 🍝 The past 15 years have witnessed both technological advancements and conflicts, impacting societies worldwide.
  • 🖐️ Social media has played a crucial role in raising awareness about global events, but it also brings vulnerabilities like propaganda and fake news.
  • 🤯 Inspirational figures like Madame (unintelligible), Anne Frank, and Malala Yousafzai demonstrate the power of young minds in bringing about positive change.
  • 💄 Personal involvement, such as participating in conferences, organizing fundraisers, and attending charity events, can contribute to making a difference.
  • 🥰 The next 15 years hold the potential for positive change, driven by ambition, dedication, and a love for freedom and respect for one another.
  • 👻 Recognizing the importance of being 15 allows for personal development and growth during this crucial stage of life.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why is turning 15 considered a milestone age?

At 15, individuals start to understand global issues and events, transitioning from adolescence to adulthood, which shapes their worldview.

Q: What are some significant events that have happened in the past 15 years?

Some significant events include the Russian Georgian War, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Russian war against Ukraine, and the global pandemic, all of which have impacted societies worldwide.

Q: How has social media affected our awareness of these events?

Social media has made people more aware of global events, enabling access to news and stories from around the world. However, it has also exposed vulnerabilities like propaganda and fake news, requiring critical thinking and fact-checking.

Q: Can individuals make a difference in addressing global issues?

Yes, individuals like Madame (unintelligible), Anne Frank, and Malala Yousafzai have shown that young minds can make a significant impact in addressing global issues by speaking out, advocating for change, and inspiring others.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • At age 15, individuals reach a crossroads between adolescence and adulthood, becoming aware of global issues and events.

  • Significant events in the past 15 years include the Russian Georgian War, Israeli-Palestinian conflict, Russian war against Ukraine, and the global pandemic.

  • Social media has made people more aware of these events, but also exposed vulnerabilities like propaganda and fake news.

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