Catching the Eye of the Sartorialist | Scott Schuman | Big Think | Summary and Q&A

Fashion photographer discusses how designers find inspiration from abstract elements and personal style, highlighting the importance of capturing a subject's persona in photography.
Key Insights
- 📈 Designers seek inspiration from abstract and unique elements rather than following current trends.
- 🖐️ Personal style, posture, and attitude play a significant role in inspiring designers and fashion photographers.
- ❓ Individual personas and charm are essential aspects captured in fashion photography.
- 🫵 The photographer's girlfriend is considered to have the best women's fashion blog due to her unique point of view, writing style, and approachability.
- 🤳 While fashion magazines are admired, self-taught photographers often find inspiration in their abstract concepts rather than their fashion opinions.
- 🥺 The photographer's own evolving photographic style has led to a reduced reliance on fashion magazines.
- 👶 Constantly challenging oneself and exploring new environments is crucial for maintaining the integrity and sincerity of the fashion blog.
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Questions & Answers
Q: How do designers find inspiration from fashion photography?
Designers often look at fashion photography in an abstract way, drawing inspiration from elements like color combinations, posture, and personal style. They use these observations to think about their target customers and how they can create unique designs for them.
Q: What role does personal style play in inspiring designers?
Personal style, whether it be of a young girl or an elegantly dressed older man, inspires designers due to the way individuals carry themselves and present their fashion choices. It influences designers to create clothing that reflects certain personas and attitudes.
Q: How does the photographer choose his subjects?
The photographer spots people on the street who he believes have a cool or stylish appearance. He looks for individuals who display personal charm and a specific persona, which he tries to convey through his photography.
Q: How does the photographer capture the essence of his subjects in his photographs?
The photographer aims to portray his perception of an individual's persona through photography. He observes their body language, choice of clothing, and overall demeanor to create an image that represents them authentically.
Summary & Key Takeaways
Designers seek inspiration from abstract concepts, such as color combinations, posture, and attitude, rather than current trends.
Fashion photographers capture subjects who inspire designers, prompting them to think about their ideal customers and how they would design for them.
Personal style and elegance, exhibited by both young and older individuals, are sources of inspiration for designers and fashion photographers alike.
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