why are there so many red headed characters in fantasy books? 🔥 a bookish deep dive, rant, and chat

November 16, 2023
cari can read
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why are there so many red headed characters in fantasy books? 🔥 a bookish deep dive, rant, and chat


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Intro - 00:23

Growing up with red hair - 4:14

Why are there so many of us on TV?! - 6:52

Your opinions on red headed characters - 8:54

Tropes - 11:10

Feminine trope/stereotype history - 12:42

Masculine trope/stereotype history - 21:28

Red hair + racial minorities - 25:06

----- Here's the tiktok I was referring to - https://www.tiktok.com/@mouseabolition/video/7121459462589877550

Authors using red hair - 27:26

and of course I found this after I posted but this vid too - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-kFGZAtNNs *

  • this video brings up a really interesting point that the binary treatment of red heads based on gender (female = sexualized, men = emas...

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