Why be Negative When There Exists Positivity | Demetre Chankvetadze | TEDxYouth@TbilisiGreenSchool | Summary and Q&A

January 5, 2024
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Why be Negative When There Exists Positivity | Demetre Chankvetadze | TEDxYouth@TbilisiGreenSchool


Being positive can make your life easier, happier, and make you a better person.

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Key Insights

  • 👋 Positivity is a mindset that enables us to focus on the good and find solutions instead of dwelling on problems.
  • 🧑‍⚕️ Stress can have negative effects on our health and shorter our lifespan, highlighting the importance of maintaining a positive mindset.
  • 🥳 Happiness is not the same as positivity, and a positive attitude can prevail even on bad days.
  • 🌍 To create a positive world, it is important to eliminate negativity within ourselves and treat others with positivity.


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Questions & Answers

Q: Why should we be positive?

Being positive can lead to a happier and more fulfilling life. It allows us to focus on the good, appreciate happy moments, and find solutions instead of dwelling on problems.

Q: How can we eliminate negativity?

To eliminate negativity, we must first recognize and address any negativity within ourselves. By self-reflection and personal growth, we can overcome negativity and prevent it from returning.

Q: What role does stress play in positivity?

Stress can have detrimental effects on our health and overall well-being. By clearing our minds and avoiding stress, we can create a positive environment for ourselves and enjoy life to the fullest.

Q: Is happiness the same as positivity?

No, happiness and positivity are different. Happiness is an emotion that fluctuates, while positivity is a mindset and way of approaching life. Even on bad days, a positive attitude can help us navigate challenges.

Summary & Key Takeaways

  • Positivity is different from negativity and allows for a happier and more fulfilling life.

  • Stress can have negative effects on health, so it is important to clear the mind and not stress.

  • Happiness is not the same as positivity, and even on bad days, a positive mindset can prevail.

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