Do You Need To Be Outgoing To Be An Entrepreneur?

February 13, 2015
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Do You Need To Be Outgoing To Be An Entrepreneur?


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About the Video

Roommate Harmony Asks: Hey Gary, Do you think it is necessary to have an outgoing personality to be a successful entrepreneur?

Roommate Harmony, this is a tremendous question! I think it has never been less important to be extroverted to be a successful entrepreneur, or I do not know just look at every successful entrepreneur that everybody talks about, like Zucks, Ev Williams, Kevin Systrom, and David Karp, you know Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest & Instagram. I mean it is actually the glory days of the introverted entrepreneur because of technology, because of sitting behind the screen, because it doesn't all happen face to face anymore. It has never been a better time to do that and that is quite by the way, always been the way. It is you know there are ways to win, you know...

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