Place value for decimals greater than one (examples) | 4th grade | Khan Academy | Summary and Q&A
The video explains how to interpret decimal values and perform operations involving tenths and hundredths.
Key Insights
- ➗ Shaded areas in diagrams can represent both tenths and wholes, depending on the divisions.
- 🫥 Understanding the number line and its divisions into tenths helps determine decimal values accurately.
- ❓ The relationship between tenths and wholes is crucial in converting fractions and identifying decimal representations.
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Questions & Answers
Q: How can you determine the shaded area in a diagram divided into tenths?
The shaded area represents 1 and 1 tenth. This can also be viewed as 11 tenths since all tenths are shaded.
Q: How do you locate a point on a number line divided into tenths and convert it into decimal form?
Counting the tenths along the number line helps determine the decimal value. For example, 1 and 8 tenths would be written as 1.8.
Q: How do you write a decimal equivalent to a given number of tenths?
To convert tenths to a decimal, divide the number of tenths by 10. For example, 24 tenths would be written as 2.4.
Q: What is the decimal representation of 102 hundredths?
102 hundredths is equal to 1.02, as 100 hundredths is equivalent to 1 and 2 hundredths is written as 0.02.
Summary & Key Takeaways
The video demonstrates how to determine the shaded area in a diagram divided into tenths and identify its representation in numerical form.
It explains how to locate a point on a number line divided into tenths and convert it into decimal form.
The video also provides examples of writing decimals in different forms and converting tenths and hundredths into decimal values.