Exploring the East and West: Philosophy, Ethics, and the Path to the Greater Good

Viable Media

Hatched by Viable Media

Oct 19, 2023

3 min read


Exploring the East and West: Philosophy, Ethics, and the Path to the Greater Good


Philosophy, the pursuit of wisdom and understanding, has taken shape in various cultures around the world. In this article, we will delve into the differing views on philosophy between the East and the West. Specifically, we will explore the rich traditions of Eastern and Western philosophy, the concept of teleological ethics, and its relevance in our daily lives.

Eastern Philosophy:

Eastern philosophy, stemming from ancient Asian civilizations, encompasses a wide range of traditions deeply intertwined with religious and spiritual practices. Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism have shaped the philosophical landscape of the East. These traditions emphasize the interconnectedness of all things, the impermanence of existence, and the pursuit of self-realization.

Western Philosophy:

In contrast, Western philosophy finds its origins in ancient Greece and has evolved through the contributions of prominent thinkers from Europe and North America. Greek philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle laid the groundwork for subsequent philosophical movements. Western philosophy encompasses diverse schools of thought, including Rationalism, Empiricism, Existentialism, and Analytic philosophy. These traditions focus on rational inquiry, the importance of reason and logic, and the pursuit of objective truth.

Teleological Ethics:

One area where Eastern and Western philosophy converge is in the realm of ethical decision-making. Teleological ethics, also known as consequentialism, is a theory that emphasizes the consequences or outcomes of actions. It derives its name from the Greek word "telos," meaning purpose or goal. According to teleological ethics, the morality of an action is determined by its positive or negative outcomes.

In Eastern philosophy, teleological ethics can be seen in the concept of karma. Karma, derived from Hinduism and Buddhism, suggests that our actions have consequences that determine our future experiences. By acting with compassion and kindness, one can accumulate positive karma and move closer to enlightenment.

In Western philosophy, teleological ethics is often associated with the concept of the greater good. The greater good refers to the overall benefit or welfare of society as a whole. Actions are deemed morally right if they lead to the greatest amount of happiness or well-being for the majority. This utilitarian approach can be traced back to philosophers like Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill.

Relevance to Daily Life:

Understanding teleological ethics can have a profound impact on our daily lives. By considering the potential consequences of our actions, we can make more informed and ethical decisions. Here are three actionable pieces of advice to incorporate teleological ethics into our lives:

  • 1. Reflect on the potential outcomes: Before making a decision, take a moment to reflect on the potential consequences. Consider how your actions may impact others and strive for outcomes that promote well-being and happiness.
  • 2. Practice empathy and compassion: Embrace the idea of interconnectedness and treat others with empathy and compassion. By considering the well-being of others, we can contribute to the greater good and foster harmonious relationships.
  • 3. Strive for personal growth: In both Eastern and Western philosophies, the pursuit of self-realization and personal growth is emphasized. Engage in self-reflection, seek knowledge, and continuously strive to become a better version of yourself. By doing so, you can positively impact not only your own life but also the lives of those around you.


As we have explored the differing views on philosophy between the East and the West, we have discovered common ground in the concept of teleological ethics. Regardless of cultural background, the consideration of consequences and the pursuit of the greater good can guide us in making ethical decisions. By incorporating teleological ethics into our daily lives, we can contribute to a more compassionate and harmonious world.

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