"Burnout vs Boreout: How to Find Meaning in Our Work"


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 21, 2023

3 min read


"Burnout vs Boreout: How to Find Meaning in Our Work"

In today's fast-paced and demanding work environment, it's not uncommon to experience feelings of exhaustion, emptiness, and an inability to cope with the demands of both work and life. These feelings can manifest as burnout or boreout, both of which leave us feeling demotivated, anxious, and even depressed. But what do burnout and boreout have in common? And, more importantly, how can we find meaning in our work to avoid these detrimental states?

Burnout and boreout may seem like opposite ends of the spectrum, but they share a common thread - a lack of stimulation that results in a loss of purpose and productivity. Burnout occurs when we are overstimulated, overwhelmed by the constant demands placed on us. Boreout, on the other hand, happens when we are understimulated, lacking the challenges and excitement that come with meaningful work. In both cases, we find ourselves feeling unfulfilled and disconnected from our goals and values.

So, how can we navigate this challenging landscape and rediscover meaning in our work? Here are three actionable pieces of advice to consider:

  • 1. Align with your goals and values: Take a step back and ask yourself why you started working at your current company or on your current project in the first place. Is your work still aligned with your goals and values? If not, it may be time to consider changing projects or even changing jobs. Finding purpose in your work requires a strong alignment between what you do and what truly matters to you.
  • 2. Brainstorm with others: Sometimes, it can be difficult to come up with solutions on our own. If you're feeling a lack of meaning in your work, sit down with a friend or trusted colleague to brainstorm ideas for moving forward. Discuss whether the lack of stimulation comes from the projects, the work style, or even the team dynamics. Together, you may uncover possibilities for change and growth that you hadn't considered before.
  • 3. Experiment and make small changes: When feeling burned out or bored out, it's important not to make radical decisions in haste. Instead, try making various small changes to see what works for you. Perhaps talking to a counselor or seeking guidance from a mentor can provide valuable insights. Remember, finding your purpose is a journey, and it often involves trial and error. Embrace the process and be open to new experiences.

In addition to these practical steps, it's worth exploring the insights shared by Patrick Collison, a successful entrepreneur and co-founder of Stripe. Collison emphasizes the importance of making connections and leveraging the internet to learn from those who excel in areas of interest. The internet provides us with a vast network of knowledge and expertise, allowing us to connect with like-minded individuals and expand our horizons.

Collison also encourages going deep on things and becoming an expert. By focusing on a few areas of interest, we can develop a deep understanding and expertise that sets us apart. However, he also advises exploring multiple interests to gain a sense of what truly brings us joy and fulfillment.

Furthermore, Collison reminds us not to judge our success based on our current peer group. Often, those around us may not share our aspirations or understand our path. It's essential to develop our own worldview and not be swayed by societal expectations. Embrace the uniqueness of your journey and trust your instincts.

In conclusion, the quest for meaning in our work is a personal journey that requires introspection, experimentation, and an open mind. By aligning our work with our goals and values, seeking input from others, and making small changes, we can begin to rediscover the sense of purpose that fuels productivity and fulfillment. Remember, finding your purpose is not a one-time event but an ongoing process of growth and self-discovery. Embrace the journey, and you'll find that the pursuit of meaning is one of the most fulfilling aspects of life.

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