Finding Purpose: Connecting the Dots and Embracing Optimism


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 16, 2023

3 min read


Finding Purpose: Connecting the Dots and Embracing Optimism

In life, there comes a time when we question our purpose and yearn for fulfillment. Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple, once famously said, "You've got to find what you love." Jobs believed that in order to be truly satisfied and do great work, we must find our passion and pursue it relentlessly. Looking back, we can connect the dots of our experiences to understand how they have shaped our journey. Trusting in ourselves, our intuition, and the belief that everything will eventually fall into place is crucial for finding our true calling.

When faced with challenges and setbacks, it can be easy to lose faith. However, Jobs emphasized the importance of loving what we do to keep us going. Our work, just like our personal relationships, plays a significant role in our lives. To be truly content, we must strive to do work that we believe is meaningful and impactful. If we haven't found this yet, Jobs advises us to keep searching and never settle.

Reflecting on mortality can provide a profound perspective on life. Jobs believed that the awareness of our inevitable death can free us from the fear of failure or embarrassment and help us focus on what truly matters. When we realize that time is limited, we are more likely to follow our hearts and intuition. Society often imposes external expectations and opinions on us, but Jobs urges us to have the courage to drown out the noise and stay true to ourselves.

In the pursuit of our passions, optimism becomes a powerful tool. Physicist David Deutsch suggests that optimism is not about prophesying success but rather a way of explaining failure. It is through learning from our mistakes, setbacks, and disasters that we grow and progress. Evolution itself operates on the principle of trial and error, pushing us to constantly innovate and problem-solve. Nassim Taleb further emphasizes that overreaction to setbacks releases excess energy, which fuels innovation. It is during challenging times that we are pushed to think outside the box and find new solutions.

Furthermore, advancements and innovation thrive on the concept of raising the bar. Each generation builds upon the accomplishments of the previous one, constantly aiming to surpass it. The desire to achieve and surpass others is driven by a sense of envy, as expressed by Charlie Munger. Witnessing someone else accomplish great things ignites our own ambition and belief in our potential.

In conclusion, finding our purpose and connecting the dots of our experiences require trust, perseverance, and self-awareness. We must listen to our inner voice and have the courage to follow our hearts and intuition. Embracing optimism allows us to learn from failure, driving us towards innovation and progress. It is through constantly raising the bar and being inspired by others that we can truly find fulfillment in our lives.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Reflect on your past experiences and identify common threads or passions that have guided your journey. Connect the dots to gain clarity on your purpose.
  • 2. Take the time to regularly assess whether your current work aligns with your passions and values. If not, consider making changes to find fulfillment.
  • 3. Embrace setbacks and failures as opportunities for growth and innovation. Learn from them and use them as stepping stones towards success.

Remember, life is too short to live someone else's dreams. It's time to find what you love, trust in the journey, and create a life filled with purpose and satisfaction. Stay hungry, stay foolish, and never stop seeking your true calling.

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