The Power of Efficiency, Interest, and Progress: Unlocking Personal Growth


Hatched by Kazuki

Jun 29, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Efficiency, Interest, and Progress: Unlocking Personal Growth

Efficiency Is An Excuse To Not Do The Actual Work

When it comes to personal goals, the pursuit of efficiency can sometimes hinder progress. Just like how premature optimization is the root of all evil for engineers, constantly seeking perfection before taking action can prevent us from moving forward. It's important to remember that "done is better than perfect." Momentum and progress are key in achieving personal growth. By focusing on doing rather than perfecting, we can avoid using efficiency as an excuse and start making real progress.

Letting the Interest Graph Guide You

In today's digital age, social media platforms like TikTok and Twitter have harnessed the power of interest graphs to provide personalized content recommendations. These platforms use machine learning algorithms to understand users' preferences and deliver content that aligns with their interests.

The success of TikTok lies in its ability to cater to people's interests rather than solely focusing on individuals. People are drawn to things they are interested in, and finding others who share those interests creates a sense of belonging. It's human nature to seek out similarity and form tribes based on shared interests. By resonating with the content posted by others, we feel a sense of connection and belonging.

Twitter recognizes the importance of catering to users' interests by allowing them to mute certain words and topics, as well as ignore recommended topics on their timeline. This customization feature gradually tailors users' feeds to align with their specific interests. According to Twitter for Business, people come to Twitter to connect with the passions and pursuits that they find meaningful. By leveraging interest graphs, Twitter creates a deeper understanding of individual preferences, leading to more meaningful connections and increased trust.

Interest Surpasses Cultural Barriers

Interest graphs have the power to transcend cultural barriers. Regardless of our backgrounds or cultural differences, we can connect with others who share similar interests. This connection doesn't solely rely on superficial factors like social connections; rather, it is rooted in a genuine alignment of interests. By finding common ground through shared passions, we can build stronger connections and foster a sense of community.

The Importance of Morale and Identity Projection

As social beings, we naturally seek out tribes that we can identify with. Belonging to a tribe that shares our interests and values strengthens our sense of identity. When we share something, whether it's materials, food, information, or interests, we are projecting our identity and searching for a tribe to belong to.

Influence expert Robert B. Cialdini highlights the power of similarity in influencing our connections with others. We are naturally drawn to people who are similar to us in terms of opinions, personality traits, background, or lifestyle. This innate need for similarity drives us to find like-minded individuals on platforms like Twitter and TikTok.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Imperfection: Instead of obsessing over efficiency and perfection, focus on taking action and making progress. Remember that "done is better than perfect." By adopting this mindset, you'll be more likely to move forward and achieve your personal goals.
  • 2. Curate Your Social Media Feed: Take advantage of the customization features offered by social media platforms. Mute words and topics that don't align with your interests and actively follow accounts that share content you resonate with. By curating your feed, you'll create a more tailored and meaningful social media experience.
  • 3. Seek Out Like-Minded Communities: Engage with communities and groups that share your interests. Whether it's joining online forums, attending events, or participating in discussions, actively seek out like-minded individuals who can support and inspire you. Building connections with people who share your passions will enhance your personal growth journey.

In conclusion, efficiency should not be an excuse to avoid taking action. By embracing progress, leveraging interest graphs, and cultivating a sense of belonging, we can unlock personal growth and find fulfillment in our pursuits. So, let go of perfectionism, embrace your interests, and start making progress towards your goals.

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