The Interconnectedness of San Francisco's Housing Crisis and the Productivity Paradox


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 19, 2023

3 min read


The Interconnectedness of San Francisco's Housing Crisis and the Productivity Paradox


San Francisco has been grappling with a housing crisis for several decades, with skyrocketing rent prices and a shortage of affordable housing. Simultaneously, the world is experiencing a productivity crisis, where despite advancements in technology, productivity growth has stagnated. In this article, we will explore the common points between these two seemingly unrelated issues and how they impact society. We will also provide actionable advice to address these challenges.

The Impact of Changing Demographics:

The changing demographics of San Francisco have played a significant role in the housing crisis. With people marrying later and living longer, young adults and affluent retirees are moving into the urban core, while immigrants and the less affluent are moving out. This shift in population dynamics has put strain on the housing market, leading to a shortage of available housing units.

The Influence of Social Density on Technological Innovation:

The technology industry has been a driving force behind San Francisco's cultural transformation. As tech workers have moved into the city, they have brought with them a preference for social density. This preference for living in close proximity to one another has fueled the gentrification wave in San Francisco. However, this wave has been ongoing for much longer than the dot-com era, as the city's progressivism is rooted in protecting the environment, architectural heritage, neighborhoods, diversity, and overall quality of life.

The Discretionary Nature of Building Permits:

One unique aspect of housing development in San Francisco is the discretionary nature of building permits. Unlike other major U.S. cities, building permits in San Francisco are not granted as-of-right but are subject to discretionary review. This has resulted in a slower pace of housing development compared to the city's population growth, exacerbating the housing crisis.

The Productivity Paradox:

While San Francisco grapples with its housing crisis, the world is facing a productivity paradox. Despite advancements in technology, productivity growth has plateaued or declined. This has far-reaching implications, including war, stagnation of lifestyles, currency devaluation, and the rise of communism. The productivity paradox is a puzzle that will determine the future of society and careers.

The Illusion of Technological Advancements:

The impact of the computer revolution on productivity is often overestimated. While the shift to Internet-connected computers has had some benefits, such as improved information, communication, and entertainment, the advancements in the 20th century, such as electricity and the combustion engine, had a more significant impact on living standards.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Increase housing supply: To address the housing crisis, it is crucial to make housing development more accessible and efficient. Streamlining the permitting process and incentivizing the construction of affordable housing can help alleviate the shortage.
  • 2. Redistribute productivity gains: Workers must receive their fair share of productivity gains. Implementing policies that ensure workers benefit from increased efficiency can help reduce income inequality and improve overall societal well-being.
  • 3. Foster a culture of continuous learning: To combat the productivity crisis, individuals should prioritize deliberate learning, reflection, and experimentation. Setting aside dedicated time each week for personal growth will contribute to long-term productivity and fulfillment.


The interconnectedness of San Francisco's housing crisis and the productivity paradox highlights the complex challenges faced by modern society. By addressing the housing crisis through increased housing supply and ensuring fair distribution of productivity gains, we can create a more inclusive and productive future. Additionally, fostering a culture of continuous learning will help individuals thrive in an ever-evolving world. It is through these collective efforts that we can navigate these challenges and build a better society for all.

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