Stupid Apps and Changing the World: The Power of Technology and Innovation


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 22, 2023

5 min read


Stupid Apps and Changing the World: The Power of Technology and Innovation

In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to dismiss new technologies and innovations as trivial or insignificant. However, history has shown us time and time again that these seemingly "stupid" apps and inventions have the power to change the world in ways we never thought possible. From Facebook to the iPhone, the internet itself, and everything in between, these creations have revolutionized the way we live, work, and communicate.

One of the key drivers behind the transformative nature of technology is the concept of network effects. As the number of users or nodes in a network grows, so does its value. This exponential growth is what has allowed platforms like Facebook and Twitter to become global phenomena, connecting people from all corners of the world. The lesson here is simple: if you're building something that resonates with a passionate user base and new behaviors continue to emerge, keep working on it. Don't let the naysayers discourage you.

There are two proven strategies for changing the world with technology. The first is to create something that a niche group of people love, even if the majority view it as a mere toy. By focusing on this dedicated user base, you can build a strong foundation for growth and eventually expand your reach. Think of how platforms like Reddit started as niche communities and eventually became household names.

The second strategy is to be hyperambitious and tackle grand challenges. This is exemplified by companies like Tesla and SpaceX, which are revolutionizing the automotive and aerospace industries, respectively. These companies dared to dream big and are now making significant strides towards a more sustainable and interplanetary future.

However, it's important to remember that changing the world is a gradual process. It takes time and perseverance to turn an idea into reality. That's why it's crucial not to prematurely claim that you're changing the world until you've actually achieved it. Stay focused, ignore the haters, and keep working on what you find interesting. After all, those who criticize your work are often the ones who aren't building anything themselves.

When it comes to building successful companies, the role of the board of directors cannot be underestimated. A good board can provide valuable guidance and oversight, while a bad one can spell disaster for a company. One key aspect of a successful board is the ability to identify and focus on the big questions and issues, rather than getting caught up in small details. This laser focus on the big picture is what can turn a business into a great opportunity.

Learning from others' experiences is another crucial aspect of building a successful board. As Charlie Munger suggests, the more hard lessons you can learn vicariously, the better. Instead of trying to reinvent the wheel, take the time to study and master the best practices that others have already figured out. There is wisdom in learning from those who have come before you.

So how do you become a board member? The best way to start is by observing boards in action. Look for opportunities to witness how boards operate and make decisions. This firsthand experience will give you valuable insights into the dynamics and responsibilities of a board.

When it comes to the composition of a board, Fred Destin's quote holds true: "Good boards don't create good companies, but a bad board will kill a company every time." It's important to have a governance system in place, but it should be as simple as possible while still ensuring that those with delegated authority have "skin in the game." Additionally, while investor directors are often necessary, they should not dominate or control the board. The founder should have control in a company they oversee, while independent directors should have control in a founder-less company.

The role of a board member is not to micromanage or meddle in the day-to-day operations of a company. Instead, it is to ask questions and hold management accountable. As Diane Greene of Google puts it, a director's job is to engage in questioning and seek the truth. By asking intelligent questions, board members can spark productive discussions and challenge assumptions.

Positive chemistry within a board is also crucial for its effectiveness. When team members respect and trust one another, they can engage in fruitful debates and adjust their interpretations based on intelligent questions. This virtuous cycle of mutual respect, trust, and information sharing leads to better decision-making and ultimately, a stronger company.

In conclusion, the power of technology and innovation should never be underestimated. What may seem like a stupid app or a trivial invention today could very well change the world tomorrow. By focusing on the needs and desires of a niche user base, dreaming big, and surrounding yourself with a capable and diverse board, you can set yourself up for success. Remember, changing the world takes time, so stay committed, ignore the haters, and keep working on what you find interesting.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Stay focused on the big picture: Don't get caught up in the minutiae. Identify the key questions and issues that will turn your business into a great opportunity.
  • 2. Learn from others' experiences: Take the time to study and master the best practices that others have already figured out. Learning from their hard lessons can save you valuable time and resources.
  • 3. Ask questions and seek the truth: As a board member, your role is to engage in questioning and challenge assumptions. By asking intelligent questions, you can drive productive discussions and ensure that the company is on the right track.

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