Maximizing Luck: A Proactive Approach to Creating Opportunities


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 20, 2023

3 min read


Maximizing Luck: A Proactive Approach to Creating Opportunities


Luck is often seen as a random occurrence, something that happens by chance. However, there is a growing perspective that suggests luck can be created or maximized by taking a proactive approach in life. By expanding our "Luck Surface Area" and positioning ourselves in a way that captures more opportunities, we can increase our chances of experiencing positive random events. In this article, we will explore different strategies to create luck and how they can be applied in various aspects of life.

The Active Approach: Doing and Telling

One of the key principles in creating luck is adopting an active mindset. Jason Roberts introduced the concept of "Luck Surface Area" (LSA), which emphasizes the importance of doing more things and telling more people about it. By actively engaging in various activities and spreading the word about our endeavors, we increase our chances of stumbling upon new opportunities. This approach aligns with the concept of a "Fixed vs Growth mindset," where a growth mindset encourages us to take action and seek out new experiences.

Expanding the Umbrella: General vs Focus

While a broad range of experiences can increase our luck surface area, there is also value in focusing on a specific area of interest. Imagine a metaphorical umbrella, with the general/focus spectrum as the angle and the active/passive spectrum as the scalar. Expanding the umbrella by diversifying our interests can expose us to a wide range of opportunities, similar to what many polymaths have achieved. On the other hand, having a narrow but longer antenna, focusing strongly on a specific area, can help us catch luck faster. Finding a balance between general exploration and focused expertise can be a powerful strategy in creating luck.

The Four Kinds of Luck: Hope, Hustle, Sensitivity, Mastery

Naval Ravikant, a prominent entrepreneur and investor, summarizes luck into four categories. The first is hope, where luck is seen as something that might randomly find us. While hope can be comforting, relying solely on it can limit our potential for creating luck. The second kind of luck is hustle, where we actively work towards opportunities, hustling until we stumble upon luck. This aligns with the idea of taking extreme actions to achieve extreme results. The third kind of luck is sensitivity, which involves preparing the mind to be aware of chances that others might miss. Being open to possibilities and having a prepared mindset can help us seize opportunities when they arise. Finally, the fourth kind of luck is mastery, where luck becomes our destiny. By refining our skills and becoming the best at what we do, we attract opportunities and luck naturally.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace an active mindset: Take action, engage in new experiences, and share your endeavors with others. The more you do, the more opportunities you create for luck to find you.
  • 2. Find a balance between exploration and expertise: Broaden your interests to expand your luck surface area while also focusing on a specific area where you can develop mastery. This combination can help you capture luck from different angles.
  • 3. Cultivate a prepared mindset: Be open to possibilities, stay curious, and develop a sensitivity to chances that others might overlook. Preparation and awareness can make a significant difference in recognizing and seizing opportunities.


While luck may still seem random, adopting a proactive approach can significantly increase our chances of creating and maximizing luck. By expanding our luck surface area through active engagement, finding a balance between exploration and expertise, and cultivating a prepared mindset, we position ourselves to capture opportunities that others might miss. Luck becomes not just a matter of chance but a result of our deliberate actions and mindset. So, let us embrace the power of creating luck and unlock new possibilities in our lives.

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