The Art of Starting a Company: Ambition, Collaboration, and Product Focus


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 28, 2023

3 min read


The Art of Starting a Company: Ambition, Collaboration, and Product Focus

Starting a company is no easy feat. It requires ambition, aggressiveness, and toughness. Ron Conway, in his talk at Startup School SV 2014, emphasizes that being a founder is like a vocation. It demands relentless dedication and a willingness to work 24/7. The truly great entrepreneurs are fully committed to their company, making it their top priority.

To succeed as a founder, ambition and drive are crucial. However, intelligence and curiosity are equally important. Conway notes that being a founder is a continuous learning process, and educating oneself about management and recruiting is essential. Fortunately, there are numerous resources available, such as books and blogs, that can guide aspiring entrepreneurs.

One significant aspect of starting a company is finding a co-founder. Conway highlights that most successful companies begin with at least two people who know each other well. The synergy between co-founders creates an infectious energy that fuels their excitement. At SB Angel, Conway's firm, they have observed that individuals in their 20s are particularly adept at recognizing promising opportunities, while older individuals provide valuable advice to the founders.

The creation of a successful company often stems from a compelling and personal story. Conway believes that the more inspiring and personal the story is, the more excited he becomes about the company. These stories often emerge from a personal need or idea, leading to a transformative "aha" moment that motivates and drives the founders.

While the initial phase of serendipity and inspiration is essential, Conway stresses the importance of transitioning to the product-market fit phase. Identifying the target customer and focusing on user needs become crucial. The early days of a company prioritize finding users and developing a compelling product. Conway emphasizes that the CEO's identity becomes less relevant during this stage.

Persistence and conviction are vital traits for founders. Conway acknowledges that many ideas that appear unpromising at first can turn into enormous successes. It is the founder's dedication and belief in their idea that often leads to success. However, the outcome of a startup is unpredictable, and failure rates can be high. Conway invests in individuals based on their qualities rather than the potential for success or failure.

One common trait among successful founders is their unwavering focus on the product. Conway notes that these founders are often accused of being arrogant due to their intense dedication. However, he believes that this level of focus is necessary for creating a truly exceptional product. It is through continuous tweaking and improvement that user growth begins to skyrocket.

Incorporating the insights of German sociologist Niklas Luhmann, who developed the "slip box" or "zettelkästen" method, we can enhance our note-taking practices. Luhmann treated each note card as if someone else would be reading it, ensuring that it communicated a complete thought or idea. This approach allows for mutual surprise and fosters effective communication.

In conclusion, starting a company requires ambition, collaboration, and product focus. Founders must be driven, intelligent, and continuously educate themselves. Finding a co-founder who shares the excitement and inspiration is crucial. While the journey is unpredictable and failure rates can be high, persistence and conviction are key. Lastly, founders must prioritize the product and focus on user growth. By incorporating these principles, aspiring entrepreneurs can increase their chances of success.

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