The Power of the Underdog: Leveraging Expectations for Success


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 10, 2023

3 min read


The Power of the Underdog: Leveraging Expectations for Success

In today's competitive world, being an underdog is often seen as a disadvantage. However, recent research suggests that "underdog expectations" aren't always detrimental. In fact, the need to prove others wrong can be a great motivator. This phenomenon is known as the underdog effect, and it has significant implications for both job seekers and managers in the workplace.

One study found that the ramifications of prior experiences of discrimination on finding employment were weaker for job seekers who crafted underdog narratives than those who developed favorite narratives. The underdog narratives were more beneficial for self-confidence. This suggests that by embracing their underdog status, job seekers can overcome the barriers they face and find success.

But how can managers best leverage the underdog effect? It's important to strike a good balance and avoid the "double-edged sword" of trying to prove others wrong. As leadership expert Nurmohamed advises, "You need to point to some successes or a path forward. If low expectations are out there, don't just ignore them, but point to them. Then you as a leader have to make the team feel like they can succeed."

In a different realm, let's explore how users read on the web. Research has shown that people rarely read web pages word by word; instead, they scan the page, picking out individual words and sentences. In fact, 79 percent of web users always scan any new page they come across, while only 16 percent read word-by-word. This means that web users are busy and want to get straight to the facts.

Credibility plays a crucial role in how users perceive information on the web. Since it is unclear who is behind the information and whether a page can be trusted, credibility is essential. High-quality graphics, good writing, and the use of outbound hypertext links can increase credibility. By including links to other sites, authors show that they have done their homework and are not afraid to let readers visit other sources.

However, credibility suffers when users clearly see that a site exaggerates. Promotional language and hyperbole impose a cognitive burden on users who have to spend resources on filtering out the exaggerations to get to the facts. Therefore, it is important for web content creators to strike a balance between providing engaging content and maintaining credibility.

So, what actionable advice can we take from these insights? Here are three key recommendations:

  • 1. Embrace the underdog narrative: If you find yourself in a position where others have low expectations of you, use it as motivation to prove them wrong. Craft a narrative that highlights your determination and ability to overcome challenges. By believing in yourself and showcasing your successes, you can inspire others and achieve your goals.
  • 2. Prioritize credibility in web content: Whether you're creating a website or writing an article, make sure to prioritize credibility. Use high-quality graphics, employ good writing techniques, and include outbound hypertext links to reputable sources. By doing so, you will establish trust with your readers and increase the likelihood of them engaging with your content.
  • 3. Avoid exaggeration: When creating web content, avoid using promotional language and exaggerations. Instead, focus on providing factual information that is easy for users to scan and understand. By presenting information in a clear and concise manner, you will enhance credibility and improve the user experience.

In conclusion, the power of the underdog should not be underestimated. By embracing underdog expectations and leveraging them as motivation, individuals can overcome obstacles and achieve success. Likewise, in the realm of web content, credibility is key. By prioritizing credibility, avoiding exaggerations, and presenting information in a scannable format, content creators can engage users and build trust. So, whether you're striving for personal success or creating online content, remember the power of the underdog and the importance of credibility.

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