The Power of Learning, Creating, and Connecting in the Digital Age


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 20, 2023

4 min read


The Power of Learning, Creating, and Connecting in the Digital Age


In today's fast-paced world, it's easy to get caught up in a cycle of entertainment and distraction. However, if you want to break free from mediocrity and achieve extraordinary success, it's essential to shift your focus towards learning and creating. This article explores the importance of prioritizing education, self-improvement, and connection in our lives. Additionally, we delve into the benefits of using Glasp, a revolutionary tool that enhances the learning experience and facilitates knowledge sharing.

The Key to Extraordinary Success:

Renowned motivational speaker Jim Rohn once said that lifelong learners are the most successful individuals. The level of education directly determines the quality of life one can attain. While formal education provides a living, self-education has the potential to make a fortune. By choosing self-education over entertainment, individuals can avoid regret and unlock their full potential.

The Value of Personal Development:

Your level of success is closely tied to your level of personal development. Hal Elrod aptly said, "Your level of success will rarely exceed your level of personal development because success is something you attract by the person you become." Embracing struggle and constantly striving for growth is crucial. As Leonardo DiCaprio stated, "Every next level of your life will demand a different you." By waking up each day with determination, you set the stage for satisfaction and achievement.

The Faustian Bargain of Our Culture:

Seth Godin warns us of the Faustian bargain our culture has made, prioritizing stability over genius and artistry. However, the goal of life should not be to relax on the beach, but to find something you love that adds value to the world. Success lies in continuously improving oneself, how one lives, how one serves, and how one relates. It's important to check boxes of physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health daily, as suggested by James Altucher.

Embracing Boldness and Investing in Yourself:

Boldness and the willingness to face rejection are key elements of personal growth. Todd Brison wisely stated, "The more bold you are, the more rejection you'll experience." Investing in oneself and acquiring new skills doubles the odds of success, according to Scott Adams. Ultimately, who we choose to be from this moment forward determines where we end up.

Learning in Public with Glasp:

Glasp, a revolutionary tool, has transformed the way we consume and interact with online content. With Glasp's browser extension, users can effortlessly highlight and take notes on articles in real-time. Unlike read-it-later apps, Glasp encourages a read-it-now approach, allowing users to be fully present in the moment. Every highlight and note made is public on the user's Glasp profile, fostering knowledge sharing and the growth of a like-minded community.

The Benefits of Learning Together:

Learning in public with Glasp opens up a world of possibilities. By sharing our thoughts and insights, we expose ourselves to different perspectives and expand our horizons. Surrounding ourselves with individuals who read in different algorithmic circles exposes us to articles we may have never come across otherwise. This shared learning experience enhances our own understanding and encourages continuous growth.

Curation and Connection:

Glasp not only revolutionizes the way we consume content but also aids in curating and sharing valuable information. Instead of manually updating websites or newsletters, Glasp's integration with platforms like Notion allows for automatic updates. By sharing what we read and consume, we engage our audience in a more holistic way. Curation becomes an integral part of our creative process, enabling us to provide valuable insights and recommendations to our followers.

Actionable Advice for Personal Growth:

  • 1. Prioritize learning and self-education: Invest time and effort into expanding your knowledge and skills. Seek out opportunities for growth and embrace the struggle that comes with it.
  • 2. Embrace boldness and face rejection: Step outside your comfort zone and take risks. By doing so, you open yourself up to new opportunities and experiences.
  • 3. Share your journey and insights: Embrace the power of learning in public. Use tools like Glasp to share your thoughts, connect with like-minded individuals, and foster continuous growth.


In a world filled with distractions, prioritizing learning and creating can set us on the path to extraordinary success. By investing in self-education, embracing personal development, and connecting with others, we can unlock our full potential. Glasp enables us to enhance our learning experience, share our insights, and curate valuable content. So, let's embrace the power of learning, creating, and connecting in the digital age to lead lives of purpose and fulfillment.

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