Motivation is Overvalued. Environment Often Matters More.

Hatched by Kazuki
Aug 14, 2023
3 min read
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Motivation is Overvalued. Environment Often Matters More.
When it comes to human behavior, we often attribute success to motivation and talent. However, if we take a closer look at how our habits are formed and shaped over time, we realize that our environment plays a crucial role. In fact, the environment often matters more than our personal characteristics in the long run.
A fascinating example of this can be seen in the spread of agriculture around the globe. Farmers found it easier to expand along east-west routes rather than north-south ones. As a result, agriculture spread two to three times faster across Asia and Europe compared to the Americas. This highlights the significant impact of environmental factors on our behavior.
If we want to maximize our chances of success, we need to operate in an environment that accelerates our results rather than hinders them. One way to do this is by automating good decisions. By designing an environment that facilitates positive behaviors, we can make it easier for ourselves to make the right choices. This applies not only to avoiding bad habits but also to cultivating good ones.
Winners often excel because they have created an environment that supports their success. They have surrounded themselves with people, systems, and structures that make winning easier. By understanding the power of our environment and consciously shaping it to our advantage, we can increase our odds of achieving our goals.
Looking at the world of knowledge management, we can draw additional insights into the importance of environment. NASA, for example, relies on the collective knowledge and collaboration of thousands of brilliant individuals to achieve its missions. Knowledge Management at NASA involves creating systems that enhance the sharing and reflection of knowledge among team members.
Social media plays a significant role in this process. It has the potential to facilitate collaboration, enhance learning, and accelerate results. However, it is essential to consider the quality of relationships formed through social media. Strong ties between individuals are crucial for rapid, trustworthy exchanges of information and successful project outcomes.
Learning in public is another valuable approach to leveraging the power of our environment. By openly sharing what we know and what we don't know, we create opportunities for others to contribute specific knowledge that can help us in the moment. This collaborative approach can save time and money, and lead to significant improvements.
Although learning in public can be challenging, the benefits far outweigh the difficulties. The feedback, support, and resulting enhancements that arise from sharing our knowledge and experiences are invaluable. It allows us to tap into the collective intelligence of our environment and accelerate our own growth and development.
In conclusion, while motivation and talent are important, our environment often plays a more significant role in shaping our behavior and determining our success. By designing an environment that supports our goals, automating good decisions, and leveraging the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing, we can optimize our chances of achieving our desired outcomes. Remember, it is not just about who we are, but also about the environment we create for ourselves.
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