Effective Learning Techniques: Boosting Students' Performance and Maximizing Retention


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 03, 2023

3 min read


Effective Learning Techniques: Boosting Students' Performance and Maximizing Retention


In the pursuit of enhancing students' learning outcomes, various techniques have been explored and evaluated for their efficacy. The article "Improving Students’ Learning With Effective Learning Techniques" highlights the significance of practice testing and distributed practice as two highly beneficial methods. Conversely, summarization, highlighting, the keyword mnemonic, imagery use for text learning, and rereading receive a low utility assessment. This article aims to delve deeper into these findings, identify common points, explore potential factors influencing the effectiveness of learning techniques, and provide actionable advice to educators and students.

Connecting Research to Practice:

The disconnect between research on the efficacy of learning techniques and their implementation in educational practice can be attributed to the overwhelming number of available techniques. Educators face the challenge of sifting through vast amounts of research to identify promising techniques that can feasibly be implemented by students. This highlights the need for easily accessible resources that compile evidence-based strategies, aiding educators in making informed decisions.

The Role of Student Characteristics:

It is crucial to acknowledge that student characteristics can significantly influence the effectiveness of learning techniques. Factors such as working memory capacity, general fluid intelligence, and domain knowledge play a vital role in determining the efficacy of a given technique. For instance, students with prior knowledge about a topic may find self-explanation and elaborative interrogation more effective, as these techniques involve answering "why" questions and connecting new information with existing knowledge.

Elaborative Interrogation: Enhancing Integration and Organization:

Elaborative interrogation, a technique involving the generation of explanations for explicitly stated facts, has shown promising results in facilitating learning. By prompting learners to explain concepts, this technique fosters the integration of new information with prior knowledge. However, the effectiveness of elaborative interrogation is contingent upon the precision of elaborations, the level of prior knowledge, and the self-generation of explanations. Educators should encourage students to develop their explanatory skills, particularly for factual material, to reap the benefits of this technique.

Self-Explanation: Active Processing for Improved Retention:

Self-explanation, centered around students explaining their thought processes during learning, has also demonstrated positive effects on retention. This technique can be particularly valuable when students actively highlight relevant information. Research indicates that individuals who actively highlight outperform those who passively observe highlights. Moreover, underlining or marking text can aid memory for facts, but it may hinder higher-level tasks that require inference making. Educators should provide guidance on effective highlighting strategies to enhance comprehension and retention.

Distributed Practice: Optimizing Retention Through Spacing:

Distributed practice, characterized by spacing learning episodes over time, has consistently proven superior to massed practice in terms of long-term retention. The optimal arrangement of multiple encoding opportunities involves spacing sessions at approximately 10-20% of the desired retention interval. A longer lag between study sessions, such as 30 days, yields greater benefits than a shorter lag of 1 day. Educators should emphasize the importance of regular review and spaced study intervals to maximize students' retention and overall performance.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Encourage students to actively engage in practice testing and distributed practice. Implement regular quizzes or review sessions that are spaced out over time to reinforce learning and long-term retention.
  • 2. Foster students' explanatory skills through elaborative interrogation and self-explanation techniques. Prompt them to answer "why" questions and encourage them to generate explanations, connecting new information with their existing knowledge.
  • 3. Provide guidance on effective highlighting strategies. Educators should teach students how to identify important information and create meaningful connections between concepts, thereby enhancing comprehension and retention.


By understanding the effectiveness of various learning techniques and considering student characteristics, educators can implement strategies that optimize students' learning outcomes. Practice testing, distributed practice, elaborative interrogation, self-explanation, and effective highlighting techniques can contribute significantly to boosting performance and maximizing retention. By adopting these evidence-based practices, educators can create a conducive learning environment and empower students to become active, engaged learners.

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