The Power of Lists and Understanding Your Circle of Competence


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 24, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Lists and Understanding Your Circle of Competence


Lists have become an integral part of our digital lives, from task management to publishing. However, despite their ubiquity, there seems to be a lack of breakout success in the field of listmaking. In this article, we will explore the different aspects of lists, their potential for success, and the challenges they face. Additionally, we will delve into the concept of the Circle of Competence and how it can help individuals avoid problems and identify opportunities for growth.

The Potential of Lists:

Lists have the power to organize information, facilitate discovery, and provide valuable insights. They can be used for personal task management or as a means of publishing content for others to consume. However, to achieve success in the highly competitive landscape of listmaking, a startup must focus on the single user case and build a network around it. By attracting obsessed listmakers, a platform can create a publishing network that millions will utilize without the need to generate content.

The Challenges of Listmaking:

Despite the obvious potential of listmaking, few startups have managed to crack the code and achieve widespread success. One possible explanation is that listmaking may be more effective in verticals such as food, travel, shopping, reading, film, and music, rather than as part of a meta listmaking community. Additionally, the lack of a reward system for list creators and the inherent biases in user-generated lists pose challenges to the growth of listmaking platforms.

The Importance of Quality and Utility:

To make a list stick and engage users over time, it must offer quality insights and provide value beyond the obvious. Lists that focus on providing unique and practical information foster repeat engagement and help build network effects. However, most lists fail to solve urgent problems, making it difficult to build a sustainable business model around them.

Understanding Your Circle of Competence:

Warren Buffett's concept of the Circle of Competence offers valuable insights into focusing on one's strengths and operating within areas of expertise. By defining the perimeter of their circle, individuals can improve their odds of success in both life and business. Recognizing the boundaries of our knowledge and avoiding areas where we lack aptitude can help us avoid problems and identify opportunities for growth.

Finding Success Within Your Circle:

Buffett's approach to investing, focusing on areas he knows best, can be applied to any field. Understanding our own aptitudes and playing within our circle of competence allows us to leverage our strengths and increase our chances of success. By staying within our spots of genius, we can avoid competing in areas where others have a clear advantage.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Define your circle of competence: Take the time to assess your strengths, knowledge, and expertise. Identify the areas where you have a clear advantage and focus your efforts within those boundaries.
  • 2. Play to your strengths: Once you have defined your circle of competence, concentrate your efforts on areas where you have a competitive edge. By leveraging your strengths, you can maximize your chances of success.
  • 3. Seek continuous improvement: While it is important to operate within your circle of competence, it is equally crucial to continue expanding your knowledge and skills. Strive to learn from others, explore new areas, and adapt to changing circumstances.


Lists have the potential to revolutionize information organization and discovery. Despite the challenges they face, startups that focus on the single user case and provide valuable insights can build successful listmaking platforms. Additionally, understanding and operating within our circle of competence allows us to leverage our strengths, avoid problems, and identify opportunities for growth. By combining the power of lists and the wisdom of the Circle of Competence, we can navigate the complex landscape of information and achieve success in both our personal and professional lives.

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