The Power of Fans and the Role of Influencers in Consumer Evaluation


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 22, 2023

3 min read


The Power of Fans and the Role of Influencers in Consumer Evaluation


In the digital era, consumer evaluation plays a crucial role in influencing purchase decisions. Before making a purchase, consumers often rely on evaluations from others to gauge the quality and value of a product. Research shows that consumers evaluate a product approximately four times before making a decision. In this article, we will explore the significance of fans, the importance of long-term brand experiences, and the role of influencers in consumer evaluation.

The Concept of Concept and Performance:

Before purchasing a product, consumers assess its desirability and appeal. This initial evaluation is heavily influenced by a product's Concept, which refers to its power to make consumers want and desire it. A strong Concept can effectively trigger trial purchases, enticing consumers to give a product a chance. On the other hand, Performance refers to the product's ability to create a desire to repurchase. If a product delivers on its promises and exceeds consumer expectations, it increases the likelihood of repeat purchases.

The Continuous Brand Experience:

Contrary to popular belief, a consumer's brand experience is not limited to a single touchpoint. Instead, it extends beyond the initial purchase and continues over time, referred to as the TMOT (Total Moment of Truth). Each interaction with a brand serves as an opportunity to enhance and update the TMOT. This ongoing brand experience is shaped by consumers themselves, as they contribute organic user-generated content (UGC) that reinforces and updates the TMOT.

The Role of ZMOT:

The Zero Moment of Truth (ZMOT) is a critical stage in consumer evaluation where potential buyers gather information before making a purchase decision. ZMOT can be divided into two types: stimulus-based ZMOT and review-based ZMOT. Stimulus-based ZMOT refers to content that flows through various channels, providing multiple touchpoints to engage with potential customers. On the other hand, review-based ZMOT involves accumulating reviews and opinions from platforms like Yahoo! Movies or other review websites.

The Importance of Fans and Influencers:

Fans play a pivotal role in amplifying the brand experience. They actively engage with the brand, creating organic UGC that contributes to the TMOT. This UGC then filters down into the ZMOT, accumulating and strengthening the brand's reputation. Influencers, on the other hand, can be seen as individuals who bridge the gap between the brand and consumers. However, the use of fleeting influencers may not have a significant impact on consumer evaluation. Instead, building a community of loyal fans who consistently engage and promote the brand can have a more substantial and long-lasting effect.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Foster a strong concept: Focus on creating a product or service that has a compelling and desirable concept. This will increase the chances of trial purchases and entice consumers to become fans.
  • 2. Enhance performance: Continuously strive to deliver exceptional performance and exceed customer expectations. This will establish a strong foundation for repeat purchases and brand loyalty.
  • 3. Cultivate a community of fans: Invest in building a community of loyal fans who actively engage with the brand. Encourage them to share their experiences and create organic UGC, which will positively impact the TMOT and eventually influence the ZMOT.


Consumer evaluation is a multi-stage process that involves the evaluation of a product's concept and performance. The TMOT, shaped by the brand and consumers, plays a crucial role in influencing consumer decisions. Through the contributions of fans and the accumulation of UGC, the brand's reputation is strengthened and carried over into the ZMOT. While influencers have their role, it is the community of loyal fans who have a more significant impact on consumer evaluation. By focusing on creating a strong concept, delivering exceptional performance, and cultivating a community of fans, brands can effectively influence consumer evaluation and drive purchase decisions.

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