"The Burden of Knowledge and the Unstoppable Rise of Artificial Intelligence"


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 28, 2023

3 min read


"The Burden of Knowledge and the Unstoppable Rise of Artificial Intelligence"


As humans continue to push the boundaries of knowledge and innovation, we face a growing burden to acquire more education and training in order to reach the frontier of knowledge. Economist Benjamin Jones argues that this burden is slowing down innovation, as great inventors have less time to truly innovate. However, one technological phenomenon that seems to be unaffected by this burden is artificial intelligence (AI). Unlike humans, AI does not suffer from the weight of accumulated knowledge and continues to improve without degradation. This raises important questions about the future of AI and its relationship with humanity.

The Nature of Knowledge:

Knowledge is the foundation of human progress. We rely on the wisdom of previous generations to build upon and advance further. This mechanism allows us to "see further" by standing on the shoulders of giants. However, AI operates differently. It does not require the accumulated knowledge of the past to innovate. It simply improves and accumulates knowledge without the constraints of time or degradation. This distinction between human knowledge acquisition and AI's relentless progress is profound.

The Growing Gap:

As AI accelerates past human capabilities, it will accumulate knowledge that surpasses our comprehension. This knowledge is like a mountain that we are trying to tunnel through. While it may seem futile to reach the end of this mountain, humans possess an insatiable drive for knowledge and advancement. Generation after generation, we tunnel further, learning more. However, the age at which notable inventions occur is significantly increasing, indicating that the burden of knowledge is slowing down human progress. Meanwhile, AI continues to accelerate without any lag or degradation, creating an ever-expanding gap between us and the technology we created.

The Implications of AI's Unstoppable Rise:

As AI becomes more advanced and accumulates knowledge that surpasses our understanding, it raises questions about our place in the world. We may become secondary creatures, benefiting from the wonders of AI without truly grasping how they have arrived. Just as a toad cannot comprehend Archimedes' principle, we may find ourselves incapable of comprehending the world we live in. Our understanding of technology may become limited, leaving us to enjoy its benefits without truly understanding its inner workings.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace Lifelong Learning: In order to keep up with the rapid advancements of AI, it is crucial to adopt a mindset of lifelong learning. Continuously seek out new knowledge and skills to stay relevant in an AI-driven world.
  • 2. Foster Ethical AI Development: As AI becomes more powerful, it is essential to prioritize ethical considerations in its development. Engage in discussions and initiatives that promote responsible AI usage and ensure that AI aligns with human values and interests.
  • 3. Develop Transdisciplinary Skills: The rise of AI requires professionals with a wide range of skills that can bridge the gap between technology and other disciplines. Cultivate transdisciplinary skills that combine technical expertise with an understanding of social, ethical, and economic implications.


The burden of knowledge is a significant challenge for human progress, as it requires more time and effort to reach the frontier of knowledge with each passing generation. AI, on the other hand, continues to accelerate without any burden or degradation. As AI surpasses human capabilities and accumulates knowledge that we cannot comprehend, it is essential that we adapt and prepare ourselves for a future where AI plays a central role. By embracing lifelong learning, prioritizing ethical AI development, and cultivating transdisciplinary skills, we can navigate the rise of AI and ensure that it benefits humanity as a whole.

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