The Feature -> Product -> Company Continuum: Maximizing Opportunity and Minimizing Risks in Social Media


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 28, 2023

3 min read


The Feature -> Product -> Company Continuum: Maximizing Opportunity and Minimizing Risks in Social Media

In the world of technology and entrepreneurship, companies often find themselves somewhere between being a mere feature or a full-fledged product. This journey towards becoming a successful company is not just about the breadth of the product being built, but also about the size of the opportunity and the universality of the solution in the market. The bigger the opportunity and the more widespread the solution, the more focused the company should be. If each user has a different reason for purchasing your "product," then you may have just created a feature set rather than a true product.

But what does all of this have to do with TikTok videos and Victorian parlour games? Surprisingly, quite a lot. Play, whether it be through community theatre or simple fun and games, has always been a medium for transmitting culture and forming social groupings that last beyond the game itself. As the internet has become our community theatre, the challenge lies in maximizing its benefits and minimizing its risks.

Just as amateur theatricals in the 19th century were praised for their ability to teach us about the emotions and passions of humanity, social media platforms like TikTok have become a stage for individuals to express themselves and connect with others. But with the current technology, it has become easier than ever to transform the ordinary into something extraordinary, blurring the lines between reality and fantasy. While this can be a source of entertainment and creativity, it also comes with its own set of challenges.

One such challenge is the tendency to imitate what others do, which can lead to the proliferation of bad behaviors. Just as we learn from those around us in real life, social media has become a space where we try to learn and imitate what others are doing. This can be both a positive and negative influence, as social media can act as a double-edged sword.

The ultimate challenge in managing social media lies in finding the balance between maximizing its benefits and minimizing its risks. Just as play creates a "magic circle" where individuals come together and share something important, social media can create its own magic circle of shared experiences and connections. However, it is crucial to draw the line and understand where this magic circle begins and ends.

So, how can we navigate the feature -> product -> company continuum in social media? Here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Focus on the Opportunity: Identify the size of the opportunity in the market and determine how universal your solution is. If your product can cater to a large audience and address their needs effectively, you are on the right path towards building a successful company.
  • 2. Cultivate a Positive Culture: Encourage positive behaviors and values within your social media community. Foster an environment where individuals feel safe to express themselves, while also promoting responsible use of the platform. By setting the right tone, you can create a community that thrives on positivity.
  • 3. Set Clear Boundaries: Define the limits of the magic circle in social media. Encourage users to be mindful of their actions and the impact they have on others. By establishing clear guidelines and boundaries, you can help create a healthier and more inclusive social media environment.

In conclusion, the journey towards building a successful company in the world of technology and social media is not just about the product itself, but also about the size of the opportunity and the universality of the solution. Just as play creates social ties and transmits culture, social media has become our modern-day community theatre. By understanding the challenges and opportunities that come with this, we can navigate the feature -> product -> company continuum and maximize the benefits while minimizing the risks.

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