The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 27, 2023

3 min read


The Surprising Science of How Feelings Help You Think

Emotions play a significant role in our daily lives, whether we realize it or not. No matter how rational or objective we might think we're being, our emotions have a strong influence on our thoughts and decision-making processes. Contrary to popular belief, emotions are not distinct from one another; rather, they overlap and form a spectrum, much like the colors of a rainbow.

Interestingly, emotions and language are closely intertwined. While the feelings associated with emotions might be universal, the way we classify and express them varies from culture to culture. Some cultures lack specific words for certain emotions, while others have unique terms to describe experiences that are foreign to us. This raises intriguing questions about the relationship between emotions and language and how they shape our perception of the world.

Emotions are not separate from logical thinking; in fact, they are integral to it. Emotions are a functional state of the mind, influencing our rational processing and decision-making. The idea that emotions are counterproductive or hinder logical thinking is a misconception. Instead, emotions provide a framework for our logical processing, shaping how we evaluate information and ideas.

Our unconscious mind plays a crucial role in processing emotions and making complex mental calculations that our conscious mind cannot handle. This is where gut feelings, hunches, and intuitions come into play. Our unconscious mind can process vast amounts of information and provide us with insights that we may not be able to grasp consciously. It's fascinating to consider how much of our decision-making is guided by these unconscious processes.

Furthermore, our bodily state and emotional well-being have a significant impact on our decision-making. Just like hunger can make us crave things that aren't necessarily food, emotions like disgust can also influence our choices. We don't always need to engage in a lengthy analysis of our emotional state before making a decision. Instead, being more conscious of our bodily sensations and emotional state can help us make more informed choices.

The connection between emotions and well-being is undeniable. Research has shown that people who practice mindfulness and emotional regulation tend to be happier and live longer lives. Studies on life expectancies have revealed that individuals with better emotional regulation have 60% fewer heart attacks. Therefore, it is in our best interest to cultivate emotional awareness and regulate our emotions effectively.

One powerful tool for enhancing emotional regulation is meditation. Scientific studies have shown that regular meditation increases "executive control" in our brains, which aids in emotion regulation. By training our minds to be more present and aware, we can better manage our emotions and make more conscious choices.

In conclusion, emotions are not separate from our logical thinking but rather intricately intertwined with it. They provide us with valuable insights and guide our decision-making processes. By being more aware of our emotional state and practicing mindfulness, we can cultivate emotional regulation and experience improved well-being. So why not embrace our emotions and use them to our advantage in our daily lives?

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Practice mindfulness: Take time each day to tune in to your emotions and bodily sensations. Pay attention to how your emotions influence your thoughts and decision-making processes. This awareness will help you make more informed choices.
  • 2. Cultivate emotional regulation: Explore techniques such as meditation or deep breathing exercises to enhance your ability to regulate your emotions. By training your mind to stay calm and centered, you can navigate challenging situations with greater ease.
  • 3. Embrace your emotions: Instead of viewing emotions as obstacles to logical thinking, see them as valuable information. Emotions provide insights that our conscious mind may not grasp, so learn to listen to your gut feelings and intuitions when making decisions.

By incorporating these practices into your daily life, you can harness the power of emotions and use them to your advantage. Remember, emotions and logical thinking are not separate entities but rather partners in shaping our thoughts and actions.

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