"Keep Them Coming Back: 23 Habit-Making Insights for Product-Minded Founders"


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 30, 2023

3 min read


"Keep Them Coming Back: 23 Habit-Making Insights for Product-Minded Founders"

In today's competitive market, it's not enough for a product to simply function well or have impressive features. The key to success lies in creating a product that elicits a strong emotional response from users. Users want to feel connected, entertained, and a sense of belonging when using a product. As a founder, it's crucial to understand the importance of how your product makes people feel and engineer for those emotional experiences.

One of the main goals for founders should be to create a "wow" moment for users. This is the moment when someone is so impressed with the product that they can't help but share it with their friends. By having clarity on what that "wow" moment is and building and planning for it, founders can create a product that leaves a lasting impression.

When designing a product, it's important to consider how it indulges in playful exploration and creates moments of pleasant surprise. Users should feel a sense of enjoyment and fun even without a specific goal in mind. Additionally, founders should ask themselves if users are using the product at the desired frequency and timing. Limited attention and time make it crucial to design products that cater to these constraints.

The story behind the design is just as important as the design itself. Founders should focus on creating a true story that underpromises and overdelivers in the user experience. By understanding the customer's pain points and providing a solution that takes away that pain, founders can create a sense of importance and value in the user's life.

Forming a habit in a consumer's mind is a powerful competitive advantage. When a habit is formed, users don't even consider whether the competition has a better product. It becomes a monopoly of the mind. However, it's important to note that engagement cannot be bought; it must be designed into the product. The behavior must occur with sufficient frequency for a habit to form.

To make key behaviors and habits easier to do, founders should focus on making them as simple as possible. The easier something is to do, the more likely people are to do it. Additionally, utilizing the psychology of variable rewards can keep users engaged and searching for the next reward.

Accruing more data, content, followers, and reputation on a platform makes it stickier and increases its value. The more investment users make in a product, the more motivated they are to continue using it. Founders should aim to create a sense of progression and challenge for users, giving them hope that they can overcome challenges and improve their skills.

Understanding human psychology is crucial for founders, especially in the consumer space. By studying people and becoming great psychologists, founders can create products that resonate with users on a deeper level. Evan Spiegel, the founder of Snapchat, understood the psychology behind deletion by default and how it affected human connection.

When looking at a company, traction is important, but it's the depth of the connection with early users that truly matters. Founders should focus on creating a deep meaningful connection with a small group of users who swear by the product. This connection can then be expanded to a larger audience.

In conclusion, creating a habit-forming product requires an understanding of human psychology and the ability to elicit strong emotional responses from users. Founders should focus on creating a "wow" moment, indulging in playful exploration, and making key behaviors as easy as possible. By studying humanity and curating a deep connection with users, founders can create products that keep users coming back.

Actionable advice:

  • 1. Focus on creating a "wow" moment for users by engineering for strong emotional experiences.
  • 2. Make key behaviors and habits as easy as possible for users to do.
  • 3. Create a deep meaningful connection with a small group of users who swear by your product, and expand this connection to a larger audience.

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