The Ten-Book Rule for Smarter Thinking: A Path to Expertise and Knowledge Creation


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 15, 2023

3 min read


The Ten-Book Rule for Smarter Thinking: A Path to Expertise and Knowledge Creation

In today's information age, it's easy to assume that understanding an expert consensus can make us experts ourselves. However, this is far from the truth. Merely understanding knowledge is a much lower bar than actually creating knowledge or applying it successfully to diverse domains. So, how can we bridge this gap between understanding and expertise? The answer lies in the power of books.

Scott H Young, in his article "The Ten-Book Rule for Smarter Thinking," proposes a simple yet effective strategy for gaining satisfactory answers to reasonable questions. While ten books may not be enough to become an expert in a certain field, they can certainly provide us with the necessary knowledge to answer reasonable questions. Young suggests that by doing the work and delving into the right resources, we can find the answers we seek.

One of the most valuable types of books to read, according to Young, is textbooks. Textbooks are written to represent expert consensus, making them an invaluable source of knowledge. They provide a comprehensive overview of a subject, making it easier for readers to grasp the fundamentals. By starting with up-to-date textbooks, we can build a strong foundation of knowledge that will serve as a springboard for further exploration.

In addition to textbooks, Young also recommends academic monographs. While monographs may not offer a general survey of a field, they are more focused and can provide us with answers to specific questions. By diving into monographs, we can get closer to the answers we seek and gain a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Young emphasizes that there are two broad ways to learn more about the world: building up from the basics or learning for specific ends. Both approaches have their merits, but after mastering the basics, the sheer volume of knowledge can be overwhelming. This is where asking more pointed questions becomes vital. By narrowing down our focus and seeking answers to specific questions, we can navigate the vast sea of information more effectively.

While Young's approach to acquiring knowledge is valuable on an individual level, it also has broader implications. In the article "One Million Strong," the creators of Substack envision a future where millions of people can make money from their creative work, and billions can access better content. They argue that our media habits need to shift away from the attention economy towards a new paradigm based on payments, trust, and considered thought.

The rise of Substack, with over one million paid subscriptions and millions of regular readers, demonstrates that people are willing to pay for writers they trust. This shift towards supporting independent creators is not only changing the media landscape but also opening doors for previously ignored communities to have their voices heard. New types of publications are emerging, catering to niche interests and serving diverse audiences.

In the pursuit of creating meaningful work, writers who follow their passions and beliefs can now thrive. It's no longer just about supporting oneself financially but about making a genuine impact. By nurturing a community of readers who appreciate thoughtful and considered content, writers can find fulfillment and success.

In conclusion, the combination of Scott H Young's Ten-Book Rule and the rise of platforms like Substack highlights the transformative power of knowledge and creativity. By immersing ourselves in the right books and seeking answers to specific questions, we can bridge the gap between understanding and expertise. Furthermore, by supporting independent creators and embracing a new media paradigm, we can foster a culture where writers and readers are in charge, and diverse voices can flourish.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Start with up-to-date textbooks in your areas of interest to build a strong foundation of knowledge.
  • 2. Dive into academic monographs to gain deeper insights and find answers to specific questions.
  • 3. Embrace platforms like Substack to support independent creators and discover unique and thought-provoking content.

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