Progress in Child Mortality: Causes, Solutions, and Personal Growth


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 05, 2023

3 min read


Progress in Child Mortality: Causes, Solutions, and Personal Growth


"Why do children die?" This question has haunted humanity for centuries. However, there is good news. Over the past few decades, the world has made remarkable progress in reducing child mortality rates. In 1950, approximately 20 million children died, and by 2019, that number had dropped to below 5 million. Although the majority of these deaths occur in low- and middle-income countries, the efforts to combat communicable diseases and improve healthcare have made a significant impact. In this article, we will explore the causes of child mortality, the solutions that have proven effective, and how we can apply valuable lessons to our personal growth.

Causes of Child Mortality:

Child mortality is defined as the death of anyone under the age of 5. The first five years of a child's life are the most vulnerable, making it the riskiest period. In 2019, 82 percent of child deaths were caused by communicable diseases such as diarrhea and malaria, exacerbated by risk factors like malnutrition. Non-communicable conditions, including cancer and cardiovascular problems, accounted for the remaining 18 percent. The highest share of under-5 deaths occurred among newborns in the first 30 days, mainly due to severe infections and asphyxia.

Effective Solutions:

Surprisingly, some of the most effective solutions to reduce child mortality are low-tech interventions. For example, immediately placing a newborn against the mother's chest after birth has shown positive outcomes in preventing neonatal deaths. Pneumonia, the leading cause of death among children who survive the first 30 days, has witnessed a significant decline. Between 2000 and 2019, the number of deaths decreased from 1.5 million to 670,000. This progress can be attributed to interventions like oral rehydration solution, which replaces lost electrolytes in cases of diarrhea. Vaccination programs have also played a crucial role. The measles vaccine, provided by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, has saved millions of lives since 2000.

Lessons for Personal Growth:

While addressing child mortality is a global effort, there are valuable insights we can apply to our personal lives:

1. Leverage the Internet and Make Connections:

The internet offers an unprecedented opportunity to connect with people who excel in areas of our interest. Building friendships and learning from these individuals can accelerate our personal growth. Embrace the advantage that prior generations did not have and make the most of it.

2. Embrace Hard Work and Go Deep:

Effort and hard work have enduring returns. By dedicating ourselves to becoming experts in the fields we are passionate about, we can achieve significant personal growth. Aim to go deep on multiple subjects, as this exploration will help us discover our true interests.

3. Challenge Conventional Beliefs and Develop Your Worldview:

Questioning commonly held beliefs is essential for personal growth. Recognize that a large fraction of what people around you believe may be mistaken. Internalize this and strive to develop your own worldview. If your path seems strange to others, it may indicate that you are on the right track.


The progress made in reducing child mortality rates is a testament to humanity's ability to tackle complex challenges. By addressing the causes of child mortality and implementing effective solutions, millions of lives have been saved. The lessons learned from this global effort can be applied to our personal growth journey. Embrace the power of the internet, work hard, go deep on multiple subjects, and challenge conventional beliefs. By doing so, we can achieve remarkable personal growth and contribute to a better world for future generations.

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