"Technology Saves the World - Future: Learning in Public and the Power of Sharing Knowledge"


Hatched by Kazuki

Jul 20, 2023

3 min read


"Technology Saves the World - Future: Learning in Public and the Power of Sharing Knowledge"

In a rapidly evolving world, technology has become the driving force behind progress and innovation. It has the potential to transform our lives, improve our quality of life, and even save the world. One of the ways technology is revolutionizing the way we work and learn is through the concept of "Learning in Public."

Learning in Public is not just a noble act of altruism; it is a strategic approach to personal growth and career development. By openly sharing our knowledge and experiences, we not only accelerate our learning process but also establish valuable connections and networks. It is a win-win situation where the community benefits from our contributions, and we, in turn, gain valuable insights and feedback.

However, it is important to recognize that not everyone can engage in Learning in Public. Some individuals may have personal safety concerns or other valid reasons to keep their learning journey private. For such individuals, it is crucial to find ways to effectively learn in private. Documenting our progress, organizing our knowledge, and even open-sourcing our learnings can be incredibly beneficial, both for ourselves and for others who may be seeking similar knowledge.

The power of sharing knowledge goes beyond personal growth and career development. It is about building a community and creating a positive impact. When we are helpful and supportive on the internet, we attract like-minded individuals who appreciate our contributions. By curating information, organizing it, and making it accessible, we can even surpass the capabilities of search engines like Google. The key is to focus on the value we provide to others, rather than seeking external validation through retweets or upvotes.

Learning in Public also teaches us important lessons in humility and resilience. It is natural to feel uncomfortable or like an imposter when we put ourselves out there. However, these feelings are indications that we are pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and challenging ourselves to grow. It is essential to embrace our noobyness and acknowledge that we don't have to know everything. Instead, we should strive to be right but not be afraid of being wrong. The internet is a powerful tool for correction and learning from our mistakes.

Moreover, Learning in Public builds a track record of our progress and commitments. It becomes a commitment device that motivates us to take on more ambitious projects and challenges. By sharing our learnings, we not only contribute to the collective knowledge but also leave a legacy that may outlive us. As the saying goes, sharing knowledge is a way to achieve immortality.

To make the most of Learning in Public, here are three actionable pieces of advice:

  • 1. Embrace vulnerability and push beyond your comfort zone: Feeling uncomfortable or like an imposter is a sign that you are growing. Embrace these feelings and use them as motivation to push yourself further.
  • 2. Focus on providing value: Rather than seeking external validation, prioritize the value you can provide to others. Curate information, organize it, and make it accessible. The more helpful you are, the more you attract like-minded individuals.
  • 3. Learn from your mistakes and recover quickly: Being wrong is inevitable. Instead of fearing the downside of being wrong, focus on recovering quickly and using these moments as opportunities for accelerated learning. This resilience will enable you to learn and grow at a faster pace.

In conclusion, technology has opened up new avenues for learning and personal growth. Learning in Public is a powerful approach that not only benefits us individually but also contributes to the collective knowledge of humanity. By embracing vulnerability, focusing on providing value, and learning from our mistakes, we can harness the true potential of Learning in Public and make a lasting impact on the world.

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