The Role of Venture Capital in Funding Innovation and Growth


Hatched by Kazuki

Sep 21, 2023

5 min read


The Role of Venture Capital in Funding Innovation and Growth


Venture capital is often perceived as a major player in funding basic innovation. However, the reality is quite different. In 1997, venture capitalists invested over $10 billion, but only a mere 6% of that amount, or $600 million, went to startups. The majority of venture capital funds were allocated to follow-on funding for projects that were initially developed through government and corporate investments, which amounted to a staggering $63 billion and $133 billion respectively. This indicates that venture capital primarily focuses on building the necessary infrastructure for business growth, rather than funding groundbreaking innovation.

Investing in Good Industries:

Contrary to the popular belief that venture capitalists invest in good people and good ideas, the truth is that they invest in good industries. They look for industries that are more competitively forgiving than the overall market. In fact, less than 10% of all economic activity in the United States occurs in segments projected to grow more than 15% annually over the next five years. It is much easier for businesses to grow within high-growth segments than in low-, no-, or negative-growth ones. Therefore, venture capitalists strategically allocate their capital to industries where most companies are likely to thrive in the near future.

Identifying Competent Management:

One of the critical challenges for venture capitalists is to identify competent management that can execute and meet the growing demand. More than 80% of the capital invested by venture capitalists goes into the adolescent phase of a company's life cycle. They seek entrepreneurs who can advance a key technology to a certain stage, such as FDA approval, at which point the company can be taken public or sold to a major corporation. This timing is crucial for maximizing returns on investment.

The Role of Investment Bankers:

Venture capitalists often exit their investments with the assistance of investment bankers. These professionals help in taking the company public or facilitating its acquisition by a major corporation. Through initial public offerings (IPOs), investment bankers raise funds for the company, earning commissions of typically 6% to 8% of the money raised. This highlights the lucrative nature of investment banking, where a few months of effort can result in significant financial gains.

Downside Protection and Credibility:

Venture capitalists often include preferred provisions in their investments to offer downside protection. These provisions provide them with a safety net in case of unfavorable outcomes. Additionally, the presence of several venture capital firms investing in a company adds credibility and reassurance to other potential investors. Being associated with top-tier firms enhances a company's reputation and increases its chances of securing further funding.

Return on Investment:

Venture capitalists expect a ten times return on their capital over a span of five years in exchange for financing a company's start-up phase. This high return is necessary to compensate for the risks involved in investing in start-ups. Additionally, venture capital funds typically pay for the investors' annual operating budget, which amounts to 2% to 3% of the total capital. This management fee is independent of the fund's results. Investors receive 70% to 80% of the gains, while venture capitalists retain the remaining 20% to 30%.

Decentralization in Blockchain Technology:

Moving on to the concept of decentralization in blockchain technology, it is crucial to understand its different dimensions. Architectural decentralization refers to the number of physical computers that make up a system. The more decentralized a system is, the less vulnerable it is to a single point of failure. Political decentralization revolves around the control exerted over the computers that comprise the system. The more individuals or organizations control the computers, the less decentralized the system becomes. Logical decentralization pertains to the interface and data structures of the system. If the system can be divided into two halves, including both providers and users, and each half can operate independently, then it can be considered logically decentralized.

Benefits of Decentralization:

Decentralized systems offer various benefits compared to centralized ones. Firstly, they are more fault-tolerant, as the reliance on many separate components reduces the risk of accidental failures. Secondly, decentralized systems are more resistant to attacks and manipulation since there are no sensitive central points that can be targeted at a lower cost than the overall economic size of the system. Lastly, collusion resistance is higher in decentralized systems, making it harder for participants to act in ways that benefit themselves at the expense of others.

Importance of Multiple Implementations:

To ensure the robustness and decentralization of blockchain technology, it is crucial to have multiple competing implementations. This helps in avoiding a single point of failure and prevents the concentration of power in the hands of a few actors. Proof of stake mechanisms can also be employed to reduce the risk of hardware centralization. However, caution must be exercised to identify and address any new risks that may arise from the implementation of proof of stake.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Diversify Investments: Venture capitalists should diversify their investments across different industries to mitigate risks and increase the chances of success. Investing solely in good industries that are projected to grow can enhance the overall portfolio performance.
  • 2. Foster Entrepreneurial Talent: Identifying competent management is crucial for venture capitalists. They should actively seek out and nurture entrepreneurial talent that has the potential to advance key technologies and meet growing demands.
  • 3. Embrace Decentralization in Technology: For blockchain technology to flourish, it is essential to embrace the principles of decentralization. This includes designing mining algorithms that minimize the risk of centralization and promoting the development of multiple competing implementations.


Venture capital plays a significant role in building the infrastructure required for business growth, rather than funding basic innovation. Venture capitalists strategically invest in industries that offer competitive advantages and allocate capital to companies that have the potential for significant growth. Identifying competent management and timing investments are critical for maximizing returns. On the other hand, decentralization in blockchain technology offers numerous benefits such as fault tolerance, attack resistance, and collusion resistance. To ensure the success and resilience of decentralized systems, multiple implementations and careful consideration of risks are necessary. By following actionable advice such as diversifying investments, fostering entrepreneurial talent, and embracing decentralization, venture capitalists and technology enthusiasts can navigate these complex landscapes and make informed decisions.

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