The Importance of Hard Work and Luck in Achieving Success


Hatched by Kazuki

Aug 05, 2023

4 min read


The Importance of Hard Work and Luck in Achieving Success

"Absolute Success is Luck. Relative Success is Hard Work." This statement perfectly captures the contrasting elements that contribute to achieving success. While luck may play a significant role in absolute success, it is hard work and perseverance that ultimately determine relative success. One remarkable example of this is the story of Tu Youyou, a Chinese scientist who helped save millions of lives through her groundbreaking research on malaria.

Tu Youyou's journey to success was not an easy one. In one of the boldest moves in medical science history, she volunteered to be the first human subject to try a new medication for malaria. Alongside two other members of Project 523, she infected herself with the disease and received the first doses of the drug. This bold move, driven by her determination to make a difference, led to the development of artemisinin treatment, which has now been administered over 1 billion times.

What makes Tu Youyou's success even more remarkable is the fact that she had no postgraduate degree, no research experience abroad, and no membership in any of the Chinese national academies. Despite these limitations, her persistent, diligent, and driven nature enabled her to achieve groundbreaking results. Her story serves as a brilliant example of the importance of hard work in achieving success.

When it comes to success, luck matters more in an absolute sense, while hard work matters more in a relative sense. The more extreme and unlikely the circumstances that lead to success, the more luck plays a role. However, when comparing oneself to individuals who have experienced similar levels of luck, the difference in outcomes lies in habits and choices. Success becomes more determined by hard work on a local scale.

As Nassim Taleb wrote in his book "Fooled by Randomness," mild success can be explained by skills and labor, while wild success is attributed to variance. You can only control the slope of your success, not your initial position. This is why focusing on the trajectory of your success, rather than immediate results, is crucial. It is about the habits and choices you make that put you on the path towards success.

Studies have shown that the most successful people, measured by wealth, are often those with moderate talent and remarkable luck. However, sustaining success requires hard work. Richard Hamming, a mathematician and computer engineer, emphasized the importance of luck in doing great work. He stated that luck is involved in the particular thing you do, but the fact that you do something is not luck. Hard work, pursuing opportunities, and trying new things increase the likelihood of stumbling upon a lucky break.

Learning in public is another key aspect of success. Instead of focusing solely on content management systems, the emphasis should be on individual learning processes, structures, and needs. Making learning public or creating a "socialized knowledge management system" can significantly enhance organizational effectiveness. Workshops and case-based events may not occur frequently enough, but by improving knowledge flow and connecting these events, organizations can tap into their full potential.

Personal Knowledge Management (PKM) is a framework that enhances knowledge flows within organizations. It starts by understanding the needs and desires of individuals and then making their flow of knowledge public (Seek-Sense-Share). Learning in public requires sense-making, and although it can be challenging, the feedback, support, and resultant improvements make it worthwhile. Transparency is a crucial element in creating new management frameworks for a networked world. Learning in public not only makes our work transparent but also helps us develop critical next practices in our complex workplaces.

In conclusion, the combination of hard work and luck is integral to achieving success. While luck may contribute to absolute success, hard work determines relative success. Tu Youyou's remarkable story showcases the power of determination and perseverance. Additionally, learning in public and enhancing knowledge flows within organizations can further contribute to success. To achieve success, it is important to embrace hard work, pursue opportunities, and continuously seek growth and improvement.

Actionable Advice:

  • 1. Embrace a strong work ethic and persevere in the face of challenges. Success often requires dedication and persistence.
  • 2. Take calculated risks and pursue opportunities. Luck favors those who are willing to step out of their comfort zones and try new things.
  • 3. Foster a culture of learning in public within your organization. Encourage knowledge sharing, transparency, and feedback to drive innovation and improvement.

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